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After the photo shoot with Mark, We got a few minutes to talk and he apologized for making me and Namjoon witness the kiss. He admitted to liking Hoseok and I encouraged him to go after it. He hugged me tight before leaving with said 'love interest' to finish his other shoots.
Unfortunately for me, that made me stuck alone once more with Namjoon-ah. He grabbed my bags and ushered us back up the elevator to his penthouse suite.
"I thought I had another few sets?" I ask, as we enter his place. He tosses my bags on the sofa and removes his jacket.
"You do but Mark is going first. We'll go back down in an hour or so. Hungry?" He asks, walking to the kitchen.
"Ok. Yeah, sure." I sit down cautiously and watch him attempt to boil water. Does he want us to die or something?! "Just stop!" I push him out of the way and shoo him away while I make us some simple ramen for a snack. He flushes red and takes my now vacant spot at the bar, watching me.
Within minutes I have the meal prepared and ready to eat. Pushing a plate toward him, he smiles his dimpled smile and digs in. After wasting a minute just watching him-I catch myself and begin to eat, ignoring the blush on my face.
"I miss this." He says out of nowhere.
"What?" I know but pretend I don't.
"You. Me. Us, eating together." He shrugs. "Everything."
I push my food around, appetite waning all of a sudden. He notices.
"I'm sorry. Truly, deeply sorry, Jin-ah." He whispers brokenly. Letting out a long drawn out breath, I force a smile.
"It's all in the past, Joonie. Let's just start over. Can we do that? Start over our friendship. Honestly, we've been together for so long it doesn't make sense to hate each other forever. Can we just be friends?" I ask hesitantly.
His eyes fill with hope and maybe a little sadness but he nods all the same. "I've never hated you, baby." He sighs.
"Friends don't call each other 'baby'." I state.
"They can if they're really close. Like us." He winks. He reaches over and grabs my hand, forcibly lacing our fingers together. "Does that mean we can be like you and Mark?" He asks, suggestively.
      I frown. "What about me and Mark?" Momentarily forgetting our 'coupleness'.
       "You know-friends with benefits. Am I not as good as him?" He pouts.
       "I d-don't think that would be a good idea." I stutter.
        "Really? It sounds like a fantastic idea to me. A great way to reacquaint ourselves to one another." He teases. Scoffing, I try to free my hand but he just tightens his grip.
       "Just friends. Please." I whisper, just done with everything. It's so hard being near him again and not being able to kiss or touch him. I can't just forget about all the pain he put me through, though. I can't let myself go through that again no matter how much my body and heart wants to. It's not worth my sanity.
      "Ok." He says simply, releasing me and finishing his food. "You should change for the next shoot." He reminds me and I nod, getting up to do just that.
      Rummaging through my bag, I find a couple of different styles and try to decide what he wants from this shoot. Fashion and attitude, correct? That's what he wants from me...I end up choosing a black and blue striped shirt, a studded silver choker necklace and a pair of ripped black skinny jeans. I slip on a pair of black timberland boots to complete the look.
Staring into the mirror...I look like a model-not like me. It's looks good and I'm confident in the shoot but...I wonder if I was really the guy I see in the mirror now if maybe my life wouldn't have turned so...hopeless...sad...heartbreaking. Maybe I would have spent all that heartbreak time instead partying the years away like all the others...
While I'm having my internal diatribe, I don't notice Namjoon come out and stalk toward me until his arms are locked around my waist.
"Hey!" I struggle to free myself but he only smirks and lifts me off my feet. "Put me down!" I scream as I find myself thrown over his shoulder, breathlessly.
"Sorry bae, you look too damn good." He teases and tosses me on his bed. Before I can get up he traps me under him and begins to tickle my sides.
My eyes widen as laughter bubbles up out of my throat. "Ahh!!! S-stop it p-please...I c-can't take a-anymore!" I choke as he resumes his tickle torture, laughing hysterically and I'm brought back to how our friendship was back on high school and when we first got a place together.
I roll away from him and reverse the roll, tickling him on his sides and all his hidden sensitive spots making him yell out mercy.

Ten minutes later, we're trying to catch our breath and lounging against one another with stupid grins on our faces. This is what I want-things to go back to normal like before 'love' got in the way. This is way more comfortable. Basically, it's everything but sex. Sex is what messed everything up.
"I think we're going to be late." He sighs and I snort, getting up and fixing my clothes. He admires my attire and winks.
"Let's just go." Rolling my eyes, I lead us to the elevator and he directs us to the photographer.
"Hope this doesn't take too long." He says, helping set up the equipment. I leave him to his tasks and get in my positions to start the session.

      "I'm hungry." I grumble as my stomach lets out a loudly embarrassing rumble. Namjoon laughs. I smack him. "Not funny! Trying to work me to death with no food! No wonder you have trouble keeping models." I huff arrogantly.
      "What the hell are you talking about, babe? Models beg to work for me-in more ways than one if you get me." He raises his eyebrows suggestively. I'm not amused.
      "Whatever. Buy me food." I demand, walking out of the hotel and onto the street. Mumbling under his breath, he follows.
       "What do you want?"
       He groans. "I could have just ordered that upstairs! Why do we have to leave?" He crosses his arms in annoyance. I ignore his whining and walk on to this awesome pizza place I saw and have been wanting to try. I wish Mark was with me instead. He would be excited and much less bitchy.
      "You don't have to come!" I'm completely done with his shit at this point.
       "Then how am I supposed to buy it for you?!" He explains angrily.
        Rolling my eyes, I look at him. "You have a card, don't you? Just give it to me and go away." I say, exasperated.
      "Too late now! It's been like five minutes and I'm not walking back alone." He declares.
       "Suit yourself." I sigh and enter the pizza place. His face is full of judgement as he takes in the booths and decent scenery. I slide into a seat and he does the same across from me. A cute server comes up and smiles at us.
      "Hi, my name's Anna and I'll be taking care of you this evening. What to drink cuties?" Her smile is contagious and I find myself enamored by her cute charms. Namjoon on the other hand looks pissed as he takes in the changed atmosphere.
     "I'll take a coke and tea for him." He says confidently. She nods and writes it down, leaving us alone.
       "Do you like her?" He asks suddenly.
       "What? No-why would you think that?" I'm completely confused. Like, seriously?
        "You kept looking and smiling at her!" He frowns.
         "'s called being polite. Perhaps you should try it sometime?" I say very slowly for his benefit.
         He scoffs. "I don't like it!"
         "What? Being polite?"
         "No! You being overly friendly with random people." He shakes his head. "You used to be so shy and reserved. I miss that." He explains.
        "Well, I've changed along with my job. It's good to meet people and be friendly in my profession so I can make more connections." I shrug.
         "I'm the only connection you need." He replies stubbornly. The waitress returns before I can reply.
       "Here you go." She sits the drinks on the table. "What to eat?" She asks sweetly, glancing between us.
       "Just a extra large half pepperoni half supreme please." I say and hand the menus over. She smiles and disappears.
       "You remembered." He smiles.
       "No, I only forgot an order that I've been placing for like ten years! My memory isn't that bad, Joon-ah!" I huff, overly sarcastically.
        He dodges my smack...barely. "When did you get so abusive!" He pouts.
        "When I got with such a moron!" I retort, irritated. "I've learned my lesson, though." I smirk at his pissed off expression.
        "Whatever. You know you still love me." He sits back and winks just as our food arrives, giving him the last word. For the moment.

Sorry...I know this is getting boring but don't worry I plan to have this pick up soon and will probably get the two closer together soon as well....😉 Maybe haha and yoonmin is going to join back with the gang so yay! Jimin might help Jin be pushed in the right/wrong direction! Let's just see 💕😘

My lover(sequel to My Host; namjin)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz