Jack in the Green

Start from the beginning

"I will!" Bob Dylan says, "I'm in the mood for a little city excursion."

"Wait, city!" Judy squeals, "I need to get some city air in me..."

Bill says, "Okay, I've got Judy and Bob, anyone else wanting to come with us?"

"Why not?" Makaila chuckles, "Might as well."

Bill smiles, "Well, then, let's get going, friends."

Judy replies bluntly, "You're not my friend, Bill, you're just the means to an end."

"Damn, someone call the infirmary because Billy just got burned!" Ann says. She starts laughing like absolute mad, making literally everyone start to question her sanity, or lack there of.

"I think that might have possibly been a good joke at some point," Roger sasses, "But you just murdered it. And then you took the dead corpse and-"

"Shh," Jane snaps, "No more talk about the corpse of Ann's joke!"

Roger sasses yet again, "I'll talk about joke corpses as much as I want to!"

Jane rolls her eyes, "Oh, wow. Just go talk about that with one of your little muffins, instead, alright?"

Greg looks up from the copy of Cat Fancy he was apparently reading and says, "Just go buy whatever it is you need to buy at the store. While you're at it, can you get me a Snickers bar? Oh, and I'm running low on shaving cream, can you buy me some shaving cream?"

I add in, "I actually could use a bit more shampoo myself..."

Gina says, "Come to think of it, I need to get some conditioner."

Bill rolls his eyes, "What the fuck," and he grabs a pad of paper, slamming it down on the table, "Everyone write down their fucking requests right here. Me and my squad will buy the items, but you'll have to pay me back later!"

With that, everyone starts writing down exactly what they need. About twenty minutes later, there's have a full shopping list full of requests.

Bob Dylan looks the list over and says, "Who wrote down "rolling papers?" It wasn't me, I know that for sure. However, whoever asked for those might want to share with me, perhaps?"

Kay chuckles, whilst also looking around for Tom, I suppose. "Well, I, for one, have no clue who asked for rolling paper."

Judy chuckled back, "Oh, I'm certain that you don't."

Bill coughs, "Anyways, it's time for us to go buy all of, um, this, and apparently several industrial sized boxes of rubbers. How nice. Well, come on, team Bruford."

"Oh, my God," Makaila cries, "That's not a thing!"

Bill replies, "Yeah. It is a thing. Now, come on, or else no one gets their razors, soap, cat nip, and shit!" He storms out the cabin door, and for some reason Bob, Tony, and Makaila actually follow him.

Judy, however, decides to stay behind.

Elisa chuckles, "Wow, Judy. I suppose you actually decided to stay behind then, eh?"

Judy replies, quite unamused, "That's right. I guess I did. It's the better move, I think..."

Elisa replies candidly, "I'd agree. Well, then, while they're all out getting our stuff, we might as well have some tea, don't you think?"

Literally almost the entire cabin lights up at the mention of tea. "Here, I'll get some water going," Stephanie smiles. With that, she hops over into the kitchen and preps up some water, and Gina helps Stephanie by getting some tea bags together.

Good work, Gina.

The two of them decide to start a conga line (well, technically Stephanie started it, and Gina just kind of went with it.), and they conga all through the kitchen. It's actually quite lovely in their overt enthusiasm.

Anyways, they continue congaing until the tea is done brewing, at which point Stephanie pours several cups for everyone.

Just as we all settle down to drink our tea, Grace comes jumping in through the window. I jump, "Grace! Where have you been all morning?"

She writhes right up to me, winking right at me, "Oh, I think you know, Jonny."

I cry, "No! I have no clue what's going on."

Elisa chuckles slightly, "Poor little Anderson, he probably doesn't know what's going on."

Grace sighs, "That's probably right, El. Oh, well, I guess it might be better for you mot to know what I've been doing. So, what are we going to do? Perhaps Stephanie could instruct a conga line class? Or I could instruct a WRITHING class!"

"No! No!" I squeal, "No congaing, no writhing, only-"

"Archery!" Ian squeals, "We must practice our archery! Now, come on, men! Follow me out to the targets! I hope none of you stabs anyone else here on accident, as my knowledge of first aid is slightly limited."

"That's reassuring," Jane chuckles, "Well, I have a fair idea of how to actually shoot a bow and arrow, so I'll try to keep you guys from actually stabbing anyone. On accident, of course."

"Err, of course," Sara says, coming out with some cupcakes, "Couldn't we just bake cupcakes instead?"

"Couldn't we all just go home instead?" Judy mutters, "Like, maybe we could go shopping or something fun like that. I know I'd be into shopping."

"Aww, but I think Jonny wants to do archery," Sara says defensively.

"No, actually I really don't, ever since Ian mentioned stabbing I'm really scared," I cry.

"Great work, Ian!" Sara sasses, "You scared the little marshmallow! I hope you're satisfied."

Ian sighs, responding nothing.

We wait in awkward silence, awaiting a clear cut direction....

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