She smiled, not realising that tears had spilled down her cheeks as she heard him speak. Her heart was fluttering as the smile brightened her entire face. They kept their foreheads together as Lyra reached both her hands up and held the sides of his neck, her thumbs gliding against his jawline. He didn’t want to wipe away the tears for they showed her joy and he couldn’t help the small curve of his lips as he smiled softly at her.

“I will marry you, Sesshomaru,” she whispered.

His arm had secured itself around her waist, pulling her into him as he tilted his head to capture her lips with his own. They shared the most passionate kiss, the warm breeze twirling around them as the billions of stars in the Milky Way glittered beautifully. Their lips slowly parted but their faces remained close, their eyes gazing into each other’s.

“I love you,” Sesshomaru hummed.
“I love you, too,” she responded before pecking his lips. “This was all so sudden. I wasn’t expecting this at all. We only declared our love not even two months ago.”
He brought his hand up, stroking his thumb over her cheek. “Lyra, my beloved, anything worthy should not be delayed. And that is why I want you to meet my mother.”
Her smile dropped, instantly being filled with panic. “Your- Y-your m-mother?”
“We will need her blessing.”
“What if she doesn’t like me? I’m a human.”
“Lyra,” he sighed quietly. “Either way, she will give us her blessing.”
“I don’t want to cause any problems...”
“She will love you. I promise.”
She breathed out shakily. “Okay. When?”
“We do not have to go immediately.” He held her hand and kissed her palm. “Let us enjoy our time alone while we can.” Lyra smiled and gave a nod before Sesshomaru continued. “I am not familiar with human custom when asking one for marriage. I apologise if I have offended you in anyway.”
She shook her head. “It was beautiful and perfect the way it was. I wouldn’t change it for anything. Humans usually give a ring as a symbol. The woman wears it on her finger-" she pointed at her ring finger, “-to show others they are soon-to-be married.”
Sesshomaru listened to the strange human custom and gave a nod. “I will bear that in mind. Now come.”

Before Lyra could even say anything, he bent down, wrapped his arm around her thighs and slung her over his shoulder. She let out a quiet yelp as he flew up into the air. It was quite relaxing. Watching the horizon behind them as the stars lit up the sky. She relaxed, snuggling into his cape of fur. She still couldn’t quite believe that Sesshomaru had asked to marry her. Yes, she was nervous about meeting his mother and she was shit scared about telling her father. It was a hasty decision, however her father had made a rash decision for her to marry a complete stranger because of some pact from two generations ago. But at the end of it all, she was making the right decision. Everything about Sesshomaru was right.

Sesshomaru looked ahead at the sky. Dark clouds were forming and they wouldn’t make it back to Rin and Jaken in time. The last thing he wanted was for Lyra to suffer in the storm. He spotted a cave on a cliff side and swooped down. Lyra noticed the change and lifted her head slightly.

“What’s wrong?”
“A storm is approaching.”

He landed with her in the cave and checked to see there were no lurking demons before setting her down on her feet. She looked around the fairly spacious cave.

“Very cosy.” She turned to face him again. “What about Rin and Jaken?”
“They will be fine, I assure you.”
Lyra went to the cave entrance and looked out. “It doesn’t look like it's gonna rain.”

As if on cue, a flash of lightning lit up the sky before the rain heavily fell in front of her causing her to jump back slightly and bump into Sesshomaru who was standing right behind her. The downpour was torrential and Lyra could feel the splatter of the raindrops as they bounced off the ground. She looked up at Sesshomaru to see a smug smirk on his face making her huff slightly in embarrassment.

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