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"I'm tough, 

I'm ambitious, 

and I know exactly what I want.

 If that makes me a bitch,



Sometimes you don't need anyone else to make you feel secure and loved. It's not mandatory.

All you must know is how to make yourself happy.

Natalia Rhiannon Malik is the role model of every feminist out there. 

Gorgeous, sweet, beautiful, confident, badass are the terms that suit her perfectly. Being the head of the leading publication house and achieving her goals is what she does.

But can she be in the market for the long run?  Or is there someone who hates her success?


This story is based on love, hate, trust and betrayal. 

Read at your own risk.


<<Copyrights Reserved>>

Copyright©TessieGirl98 aka Reyna aka Me. 

Yes, sounds boring I know but you better not steal my work or its gonna be my hands and your face. Yup, not gonna leave you just like that, baby.



This book contains coarse language and violence. Along with some what meaning teeny weeny sexy scenes but not too much. Not uncomfortable ones anyway.

Also, its an emotional roller coaster so, enjoy!!!!!!!!


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