Chapter 3

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"These days, I strive to be a bitch, because not being one sucks. Not being a bitch means not having your voice heard."

-Margaret Cho


I tried not to be overwhelmed by the charts in front of me. These were one of the best reports on classic old literature by a grad student. Who is the person who wrote all these amazing papers you may ask? It was none other than Alberto D'rege.

You know what they say when you have to take your enemy down, think like them, learn their tactics. Try understanding them as a person as you can easily go into their mind and grasp their ultimate plan. But, Alberto had a freaking universe for his mind. No, no his mind was a beauty according to these papers.

It was wrong of me to go through all the paper works of his from throughout the years but, I had to do a background check. I mean I wouldn't be myself if I didn't. I'd like to know the weakness and strengths of the one I'm against, so I can easily win. It's always about winning through the smart way not the hard way.

And winning was another habit of mine, it gave me happiness and peace.

Judy blew out a breath as she leaned back in her chair and dropped the papers on the table, "Woah. These are some of the best works I have seen so far."

I looked over at her once before sighing and mumbling, "I know." I continued reading the next paper.

Judy leaned over the table as she began, "You know, he is as good as you." I gave her a glare and she straightened in her chair before speaking, "I mean, are you sure you want to go against him?"

I stopped reading as I heard her question and she shut her mouth. I placed the papers slowly on the table before looking up at her and looked her with a peace and asked, "Are you doubting my abilities?"

Judy's eyes widened at my question and she exclaimed, "No!" She looked at me guiltily before speaking, "You know I would never doubt you. What I mean is, that is it necessary going against him? I mean, we could just continue doing our work and show them that we are the best." She tried cooling my demeanor a bit, but it was too late to stop now.

I shook my head at her and spoke, "No, we need to show them who they messed with. You just sit and watch as I destroy them." I smirked at her with a gleam in my eyes.


I walk around the conference room as I observe each and every worker of mine, trying to find the best person who would bring me back the top position.

"Alright everyone listen up," I say with a loud and strict voice, "I have called y'all here today because I need you to come up with a great article or report on your favorite literature of all time." Everyone gasped out loud at the request and I continued, "This is going to be a challenge." I said as I walked through the aisle and looked over at everyone. Every pair of eyes followed my movements and I had their full attention with the challenge. Lovely.

"The reward for the challenge will be a chance to edit one of the monthly magazines thoroughly, you get a chance to give the final cut. Also, the winner gets a promotion and an opportunity to work with me on a few projects." I announce the awards around the room and everyone erupts in happiness and hope.

Judy looks shocked at my reward and it's because I have never been so generous with the rewards. Yeah, some small promotion and gifts are always there but, not the chance to edit the magazine. It is something I do by myself.

They clap and cheer for me as I smile at them and discuss lightly between them the possibilities for winning, I clear my throat and just like that everyone's attention is back on me; waiting for another big announcement.

"So, you must be surprised as to why the big reward and challenge?" I ask them and get few head nods and mumbles yes, "As you are aware of the recent drop down our publishing house faced due to the new book – "Hangout- the New York bestseller" I quote my hands while saying the name and roll my eyes at the end, receiving a few chuckle from my workers.

"This is the book that was published by one of the Italian Publishing House, right?" Karen one of the co-workers asks and I nod at her.

"Yes, the same one. It sold up to two million copies and was publicized a lot." I tell them the information and they nod in acknowledgement of its success. "Now, the thing is that, we could have been the one to publish it.." At this, there is a lot of gasping and cursing throughout the crowd and Judy has to calm them down, "But, the presentation of the book and the team wasn't great at all during the meeting. The reason we had to reject them." She finishes for me and now everyone is sitting calmly in their seats.

I look at them and now I know that I have caught their attention perfectly and it's the correct time to plant the required enthusiasm and passion in their minds so, I start by saying, "And then few weeks later, an Italian Publishing House pops out of nowhere and the book is a bestseller. Shocking, isn't it?" I say this with utter sarcasm and they shake their head in denial.

I smirk and look at Judy to finish the meeting, "It's time for us to take action and show them what it's like to mess with the Malik House." She exclaims with enthusiasm and receives a lot of 'Yeah and yes' in response. She fists her hand in the air and shouts, "Are you guys ready to take them down?"

They exclaim with a, "Yes!!" Judy gives them some pep talk and that's how everyone at Malik Publications gets to work with pure passion and enthusiasm to take the D'rege house down.

I smile in delight and whisper to Judy, "Part one of the mission accomplished." I wink at her in the end and stride towards my office, full of pride and happiness.


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