The Everlasting ~Jacob Black Oneshot~

Start from the beginning

Clothing style: she always wear anything trendy from track pants to skirts to hollister hoodies, Ambercombie & American Eagle even TNA clothing, the usual preppish stuff:3 to cute dresses:)

status: Single, she's always been single surprisingly. People would be surprised, since she looks like someone that would sometimes be a slut at times, but she isn't anything like that. She's had a few crushes only in the past back home; and one big one which was complicated. So she's basically a virgin to her first kiss, boyfriend and of course sex.

body art/piercings: has a regular ear piercing like most girls, and a tattoo on the right shoulderblade/black, of musical notes trailing down (pic in email if provided), she had gotten it with her mom on her 17th (grade 11) birthday easily, or 18th (grade 12), depending on the time line of the oneshot/story, and recently before moving to La Push had gotten one as younger sister came with her for her 2nd one, a kanji symbol for 'Dream' on the back of her neck most people would be surprised to see she's into tattoos, since she looks like the type that would be scared to get one or not into them; but it wasn't that painful for her

I smiled at everyone that I saw as I walked through the doors of school. After attending for a month I've gotten to know pretty much everyone including one very special group all the girls swoon over. You know the one with the tall, muscular, and emotionally sensitive boys...and Leah. Yep, that's the one. I started to recall my first day here.

I was a little nervous but I was confident in myself. I knew I could make friends easily but I didn't know how diferent school was here than in Canada. Anyway, I Had just gotten my class schedule and was walking out of the counseling office when I bumped into someone...well it felt like a brick wall but I knew that wasn't possible, I was in the door way!

"Sorry!" We both apologized and I stepped back to get a look at the guy. He was cute, muscular, not that much taller than myself - maybe stood at 6 feet - and was younger than I was...I think.

"It's cool. I'm Seth, you must be new here." He said giving me his hand.

It was warm, really warm. "I'm Varunee and how'd you know?" I questioned with a smile.

"I've lived here all of my life it's not hard to spot a new face in a crowd." He explained easily and I nodded.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, Seth, but I should probably get going." I said and started to walk off.

"Wait! School hasn't even started yet." Seth said laughing and I smiled.

"Oh. I know. I just need to scope out my classes." I explained.

"Maybe I can help you out on that, what grade are you in?" He questioned.


"That's great! If your willing I know an 11th grader that'd love to help you around." Seth said, grinning.

I couldn't deny his cheerfulness and I had a feeling he'd drag me off even if I had said no. "Sure." I said softly smiling.

"Great!" He exclaimed and started hauling me towards the cafeteria. Towards a table with what looked like a bunch of burly football players. "Hey guys!" Seth greeted the table happily.



"Hey, pup."

"Who's the girl?"

"She's cute."

I looked at them blankly as the group of guys kept talking. "Uh. Still here, you know." I commented which made them stop and turn to me. "Yeah~. All I need is someone who can show me my classes and that's it."

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