Even More ~Zak Bagans Oneshot~

Start from the beginning

"How bad has it gotten?" Nick asked me.

"well...There is that one time when I suddenly got a pain in my stomach and then latter that night when I went to take a bath I had a scar that I've never had across my stomach. And theres always a noice in the living room around 10pm that sounds like cards shuffling." I said. I was currently on a swing at a park.

"Okay. Tori, we'll be on our way but for tonight see if you can stay at Kinzy's place. I promise everything will be okay." Zak said and my the closeness of his voice I figured he had me off speaker.

"Thanks Zak. This means a lot to me."

"Text me if you need to talk, okay?" He informed me.

"Alright, bye Zak." I said hanging up and then dialing Kinzy's cell.

"Kinzy's cell, how may I be of service?" Kinzy answered.

"Kinzy, it's Tori. Can I come over tonight?"

"Of course! But why?" She questioned.

I sighed. "I promise I'll tell you when I get there. Thanks, Kinzy."


I yawned and got blinded by light. "Wakey-wakey!" Kinzy said as she jumped onto my bed. I was lucky she still had my bed from when I was living here 2 years ago. "Oh, come on Tori!! Don't you want to see Zak again?" I shot up and looked at my phone.

Last night I had fallen asleep talking to him. I wonder if he was still there while I slept. I hope I didn't say anything in my sleep! I blushed at the thought. "I'm up!" I said and pushed Kinzy out of the room so I could get ready. (Tori & Kinzy's outfits- http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=35349789)

As we walked the block to from Kinzy's to my place I looked around at all the snow. "Can you believe it's only September and it's snowing here?" I asked though my voice had a hint of dreaminess to it.

Kinzy laughed. "Anything can happen in Michigan."

"That's true, Rose City can be a strange place." I hadn't really thought of it like that but it was true. I noticed the guy's van up ahead and I grinned. I ran towards them when I noitced them I went sliding on the icy sidewalk and crashed into Zak making him fall down. "Sorry, Zak." I apologized but grinned down at him, after all I was on top of him.

"No worries, Tori." He said grinning up at me.

"Tori! You okay?!" Kinzy exclaimed as she neared us.

"Yeah! We're fine!" I replied loudly back. "So when'd you get here?" I questioned as I got up.

"Not that long ago." Aaron replied behind me and gave me a bear hug.

"A...Aaron...c-can't...br-breathe!" I somehow managed to get out. Aaron just laughed and let me go. "Nice to see you too." I replied and then hugged Nick.

"Okay, lets get started." Zak said and I smiled slightly.


Aaron turned on his camera and pointed it towards us. "Today we're doing something a bit different. Last night we got a call from our close friend, Victoria, and we decided to investigate. Tori, What can you tell us about the house?" I hated this soo much.

"The house was built by a relative from the 1930's and has been passed down from generation to generation. The last family member other than myself who's lived in it was my great grandmother who passed away last winter." I gave the general details of the house to him.

"You think your house is haunted? Can you tell us what's been going on since you've moved in?"

"At first it was little things like objects moving without me seeing them move and things that are there in the corner of your eye as you're moving around. Then it started getting stranger, noises and things that can't be explained. At night there is a card shuffling noise that goes on and off until midnight. There's a noise out in the hallway upstairs that sounds like pacing, it's not always at night, sometimes it's in the morning or afternoon."

"Can you show us around?" Zak questioned and I nodded.

I walked in and motioned to the empty coat wrack. "Every time I place a coat or a bag on it they always are on the floor. There's no noise or anything." I walked into the living room. "The fire place hasn't been lit since 1987 but sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night and come down to get some water I'll see the glow of fire in here but when I come in there's nothing." I walked them into the dinning room. "This is where the cards are." When I walked into the kitchen that's when everything changed. It was freezing cold, the atmosphere was feirce, and then a can flew across the room.

"Did you just see that?" Zak asked turning to Aaron.

"Yeah, where did it land?" Aaron replied and Zak went to towards the laundry room where the can was flying towards.

"Dude, there's nothing there." Zak said turning back to us. "Does that always happen?" Zak asked me and Aaron's camera turned to me.

"Honestly, I'm at work this time of the day so I don't really know." I said and moved towards the stairs. Zak had Nick put an 'X' in the kitchen before they followed me up the stairs. "This is where the pacing happens. My great grandmother said that there had been a shooting when she was 4. Her father had been shot in the head, right here." I stood on the spot she had told me.

"Did she ever say that there was strange things going on here?" Nick asked me and I shook my head.

"She never said a word about strange things happening but when I mentioned things to her whenever I came to visit her she'd just smile. Kind of like she knew exactly what it was but she wasn't going to say a word about it." I explained.

When night came around it was time to get down to business. Zak had offered to let me stay with them during lockdown and I agreed but I stayed with Zak. Zak had Aaron set up a camera in the living and dinning room and then had him stay in the Kitchen area. Where as Nick went to my room - where I had gotten my claw marks - and Zak and I where in the hall.


It turned out my house was definitly haunted, good news: I know my relatives are always close by. I smiled as I walked up to Zak. "Thanks, Zak."

He grinned. "Not a problem."

"So where you going to go next?"

"New York." He replied and there was an awkward atmosphere. "...You going to continue staying here?"He wondered.

I laughed. "Did you NOT hear my relative speaking to me? Saying my name and everything?" I looked up at the house. "No, Kinzy's going to let me stay in my old room at her place until I find another place."

"What're you going to do about the house?"

"It's been passed down from generation to generation and I'm going to let that continue. I don't plan on doing anything to the house though." I said and he looked down at me. "Sooo...When am I going to get to see you again?" I wondered and he laughed.

"I'm always a call away." He reminded me and something triggered in the back of my mind.

"How long were you on the phone after I fell asleep?" He smiled and shrugged. "Did I say something?"

He smirked. "Now that you mention it..." He trailed off, teasing me.

I grabbed his shirt and demanded, "Tell me, Mister!"

"You said..." He trailed off and laughed at my desperate look. "This." He then leened down and captured his my lips in the most loving kiss I've ever had.

I pulled away. "Tell me what I really said." I demanded subbornly and he laughed.

"Oh, just that you have the hots for me." He winked and I rolled my eyes.

"I plead innocent." I smiled sweetly and brought his lips back to mine.

This time he pulled away because Aaron honked the horn. "I love you too, Victoria Patricialee Mahaney," He told me and gave me a quick kiss before getting into the van.

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