Chapter 39 - "I do not want your pity or sympathy."

Start from the beginning

The air hummed with voices as Carter climbed the steps. Rumors flew like tiny birds, carrying snippets of information on their wings. The names of a supreme court judge and a former CIA director had been tossed about as the following day's big appearances.

Carter pivoted and shouldered her way through the dense crowd of students. Gossip was handed out, like paper notes, in lowered voices accompanied by smirks and side long glances. Everything around Carter seemed heightened, as if all noise of the world were beating against her eardrums. New waves of emotion washed over her as her brain continually replayed her father's words.

"I signed back on with the secret service for two more years."

She felt as if pieces of her were cracking and breaking away, her emotions too raw to touch or try to untangle. She balled her fists, trying to hold herself together. A part of her felt liking screaming and hitting the closest object, regardless of whether it was human or inanimate. The other part wanted to curl into a ball and hide from the world and her new reality.

Her nerves finally snapped when Lucas crossed her path, a taunting grin already in play. It took everything in her to hold herself back from knocking him out, simply for his look.

"Owens," he said, "punch anyone lately?"

"Is that an invitation?" she said, her words clipped.

He barked out a mocking laugh.

"You know what your problem is?" he said.

"Currently it's the sad excuse for a human being in front of me."

His lips curled into a patronizing smile.

"You think you're above everyone else, but really you're just the daughter to the President's throw away human shield."

Before Carter's fist could make contact with Lucas, a sharp voice called her name.


Fingers still clenched, she lowered her hand, staring daggers at Lucas. His smirk widened, until Donovan took a spot beside Carter.

"How's the jaw?" he asked, looking at Lucas.

There was still fading signs of Donovan's right hook along Lucas's jaw line. Lucas tensed but didn't move. He locked eyes with Carter.

"It seems you still have a master," he said.

This time Donovan wasn't fast enough.

Carter punched Lucas, a loud crack sounding out as her fist collided with his cheek bone. His head jerked to the side and he stumbled into a group of Juniors. A couple girls gasped and heads turned to the scene. Questions started flying, their old gossip tossed aside in the light of the event.

Donovan quickly grabbed Carter's arms and held her back from going at Lucas again. But his hold wasn't necessary. The fight had left her, her need to lash out mollified. One hand cupping his jaw, Lucas looked at her, shocked.

"I guess that changes my answer to your original question," Carter said.

"I'll have you expelled for this," he snarled.

"And what will you do when I tell the principal who has been dealing steroids in the boys locker room?"

"You have no proof," Lucas said, but his words lacked confidence.

Carter stared at him, her eyes challenging. "Try me."

Before he could respond the group, that had formed around them, split. Principal Withers, fighting back a look of severe anger, walked forward. Donovan instantly let go of Carter's arms. Principal Withers glanced between Lucas's face and Carter's scowl. He pointed to them.

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