"Thank you for being here for me...." Jeong said, still holding onto Taehyung tightly.

Taehyung just ruffled the back of Jungkook's head, letting him know that it was fine.


Park Jimin.
09:34 A.M.

I opened my eyes, who were still heavy because of my sleepiness. I softly groaned as i just held onto Namjoon's body... Closing my eyes again. He was so warm, it felt so comfterbale that i could already fall asleep again. I opened one eye and looked up at Namjoon who had his eyes still closed but still showed a little smile, as he began to run his fingers through my hair again. I closed my eyes again as just held onto Namjoon tightly, feeling save.

10:37 A.M.

I opened my eyes again this morning, still holding onto Namjoon's body. I looked up at him as I caught him looking at me and I flushed bright pink. I covered my face with the sleeves of my pink over sized sweater I had on. I heard Namjoon chuckle and as I felt my face getting it's normal temperature I slowly slid of my arms/hands I had been covering my face with. I looked up at Namjoon who smiled at me cutely. I smiled back at him.

He was the only guy who could make me smile... And I already like him way too much...

04:56 A.M.

"Namjoon Hyung~ can we go out?" I asked him as I just played with his long fingers.

He showed his dimples and nodded. When he stood up he reached for my hand, as we walked together to our coats. Namjoon helped me with my coat, softly pulling my arms through the long sleeves. When I also had put on my extra high puma flats and Namjoon was also finished. He ruffled my hair and held my hand once again. We walked out of the house, Namjoon closing the door, not letting go of my hand as I also held it tightly, not wanting him to let go. When he locked the door we walked further.

A while later we got to a big park with lots of people around it. There was a playground where kids were playing happily with wide smiles on their faces. People with dogs also walked around, playing or just walking with their dog. The trees were weaving in the wind, making quiet sounds.

We walked around the park for a long time, as it was already getting a little dark. Namjoon and I still walked hand in hand and we now got to an big building, a mall. We walked into the building and it was still crowded even though it was late. Quickly after we got into the building, Namjoon and I were drifted away from each other, as I still tried to hold his hand tightly but as more people got in between us our hands separated and I was too short to look over the people. I already began to panic looking around. As I just pushed myself through the crowd i finally got to the exit. As I thought I knew the way back home... I didn't. I walked over the streets, waiting for the cars to pass by. I looked for the park where I and Namjoon were just a few minutes ago.


I now walked though a little alleyway.
'How did i get here?'
I looked around panicky, looking into the darkness...

"So here you are?!"

Jimin turned around with fear in his eyes.


He saw that Yoongi was coming closer so he backed away, but he soon felt a wall.

"You can't run from me!"

"Please don't do this!" I said with an trembling voice, tears flattering on the ground.

I soon felt a fist against his cheek and soon after a few in my stomach.
It didn't stop...
I laid on the ground, curling up in a ball.

"I'm sorry..." I repeated.

I got a kick in my stomach and against my back, I screamed because of the pain...

"This isn't over." Yoongi shouted as he gave me an final kick on my back, walking away.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered.

"Somebody, save me..." I whispered into the darkness, while a little pool of tears was already forming on the ground.

"JIMIN?!" I heard a familiar voice shout.

"N-Namjoon?..." I whispered, my voice not wanting to come out of my throat.

I saw a figure running to me, as I already knew it was Namjoon. I felt a pair of hands around my head, and a few wet drops were getting on my face. I tried to make the blurry sight go away, what worked and I saw a crying Namjoon, his hands around the back of my head, softly running a few fingers through my hair. Tears were coming out of my eyes. I reached my hand up to let my palm cup his cheeks, rubbing his cheeks softly. I gave him a weak smile.

"Don't worry... I'm okay." I said, a lonely tear rolling off my cheek.


I'm really sorry for the slow updates... My school year just started and I have a lot of tests....
And my inspiration likes to play with me, so yeah...
I'm reallyyyyyy sorry!
I hope you still enjoyed this new chapter.
I'll see you guys next time!

From the Netherlands,
And my name is spoken as,

I'll see you guys in the next one, baiiii!

I'll see you guys in the next one, baiiii!

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
Save me || ⚣ ~Minjoon {COMPLETED, NOT FIXED}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें