Bell test part 3

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(Third person P.O.V.)

Was what Hisako said as she and Mitsuki were sitting with Saturo between them tied to a wooden stump. He didn't follow orders which were to simply go with her and help fight Konohameru with Mitsuki but no he chose to try and eat some lunch instead even after he said he would help. She was infuriated with this while Mitsuki was in wonder on how a human being would go against an order even when they said they'd follow, it truly fascinated him. Konohameru stood in front a little disappointed but who was he to say when big brother Naruto did the same.
"*sigh* well it appears you guys failed the test. Such a shame too because I saw promise-"
Before he finished a had a sudden flash back to the day before where he was having a discussion with Kakashi Hatake, the retired hokage before Naruto,

~Enter Flashback~

Konohameru was in a restaurant with Kakashi and both were discussing about the soon to be tested Genin and Kakashi was giving him some advice,
"Don't be to harsh on them if they fail. Just give them a second try and a tiny nudge in the right direction and they'll pass.
"You think so?"
"I know so, I mean even Naruto at the time was able to figure it out and you know how he was."
"Haha I guess so. If he was able to figure it out then surely they will."
Konohameru responded and continued eating though still kept an eye on Kakashi. Kakashi still hasn't touched his food or drink and has his god damn mask still on. When the check came all chances of seeing Kakashis face were destroyed when he asked for a to go box.
As Konohameru watched kakashis retreating figure outside the restaurant he had one thought,
'One day Kakashi. One day we'll know what you truly look like.'

~Flashback end~

"....*sigh* you know what? How bout a redo huh?"
The three kids wide eyed at him from surprise. They thought they failed but they got another chance. And this time they'll do better,
"Here's what we'll do. You guys will try again and this time... a little hint to help you pass."
Saturo smiled happily knowing he didn't ruin everything. Hisako smiled happily at another chance and hoping a little that Saturo doesn't ruin everything. And Mitsuki smiled happily at being able to go another round with Konohameru and being able to observe the others some more.
"Now I'm going to tell you a saying or sorta rule now. One that's very important and has become pretty much official since Naruto became the 7th hokage.-"
He closed his eyes remembering the right one to tell them and opened them signaling them he was about to say it,
"-Those who break the rules are scum. But those who abandon their friends are worse than scum... do you understand this?"
The three kids nodded understanding,
"Good, now Mitsuki and Hisako. You two can have your lunch while Saturo doesn't do to him trying to break the rules."
Saturo anime wide eyed (his eyes became white circles) at this but was not gonna complain, instead not give him the last laugh,
"IM OK WITH THAT, BRING IT ON!! I CAN GO FOR DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS, HELL EVEN YEARS BELIEVE IT!!! *stomach grumbles* yeah. So do your worst.."
He said looking down depressed from the hunger. Konohameru snickered and poofed away leaving the three to it.
As they were eating Hisako was playing the conversation over trying to look for some clues as to what Konohameru meant until she realized something and let the hand holding the chopsticks down into her bento,
  She turned her head to Saturo who was staring hungrily at her bento but when saw her move to look at him he quickly looked up at the sky and started whistling acting like he was minding his business. At the moment she didn't care about that,
"Why did you try to eat the lunch?"
   Saturo thought she was mad at him for not listening to her so he didn't wanna lose in a argument that was about to start,
"Cause I felt like it. There. Or are you gonna scold me like my dad."
Hisako said in a serious tone signaling him that she wanted the truth,
"*sigh* I just wanted to be more useful. I wanted to be more helpful without the thought of starvation on my mind."
"So in other words you broke the rules to help us?"
"..... yeah."
He finally said looking down thinking she was disappointed in him for that since she was all about the rules. But that thought was quickly proven wrong when her bento was suddenly shoved into his vision by her. He jumped a little in surprise and looked at her. She was smiling at him like her mother does when she smiles,
"Here, you can have the rest of mine."
"But you were told not to give me food?!? Isn't that breaking the rules???..... wouldn't that make you scum like me?"
He said hoping it'd make her realize what she was doing,
"Well I'd rather be scum than worse than scum by not caring for my friends. This is what the test is about. Putting yourself and your personal needs aside for your friends and team mates and working together even if your not supposed to. Sure the rules are important so everyone's not doing something wrong but caring for your friends is more important than the rules and I'm proving that by letting you have my lunch."
She finished and smiled again. Then another bento appeared next to hers coming from Mitsuki. Saturo looked towards him in surprise,
"What she said is true. If we're going to be a team than we have to work together no matter what the odds are. I want to make sure a friendship like this blossoms and not dies before it can even grow."
He said smiling as well. Saturo started tearing up from being so heart warmed from them.
"Thanks guys. *sniff* your the best *sniff* friends ever. *sniff*"
"Well come on, eat up before sensei comes back."
Hisako said trying to get things back on track,
"Ok but um..... here's the thing..... your gonna have to feed me."
Saturo responded moving hands around demonstrating his limited movement. Hisako immediately blushed at the thought of feeding him and simply said,
"Mitsuki you feed him."
She then turned back to eating her bento while Mitsuki nodded a ok and started feeding Saturo.... well.... trying because when she said for Mitsuki to feed him he started flailing and and feeling put anime style while shouting things like,
  He was snapping his head to multiple directions acting as look out,
  He flailed his hands around trying to make it look like he can but was failing miserably,
  And all during that Mitsuki was trying to put the food in Saturos mouth but couldn't because he was bending his head away from the chopsticks holding food. Mitsuki accepted this as a 'Shinobi challenge' and then grabbed the top of Saturos head and held it in place as he quickly shoved to food into his mouth.

     The moment the food got in there a explosion happened in front of them causing dust of dirt to blast by them. Two out of the three of them protected their eyes by using their forearms as shields while the last one could only shut his eyes closed and endure. Wind was blowing by them causing their hair to wave with it. When the dust settled it revealed Konohameru and he was PISSED!!
  Saturo screamed and was apparently the only one to,
"Well yeah it is but-"
"NO-well yes-"
"What Hisako is trying to say is yes that we are scum for breaking the rules but we'd rather be scum than worse by giving Saturo lunch. We'll break any rules to help our friends and teammates that'll be in need."
  Saturo and Hisako shouted backing up Mitsuki,
   Saturo shouted solidifying their argument,
"WELL THEN...... you pass 😊"
  Suddenly Konohameru was happy and everything went back to normal,
  Saturo and Hisako said in unison,
"You pass and I'm really proud of you."
"But what about the bells?"
"The bells were a side goal of the test. The true goal was to show me teamwork."
  Saturo cheered,
  He started to cry happily,
"What's with you crying today?"
  Hisako asked smirking at him who blushed from embarrassment,
"Shut up.."
  They then untied him from the stump and went to celebrate at Ichiraku Ramen restaurant...... sadly Konohamerus wallet went empty that day because of a blond.

     (Hisakos P.O.V.)

   As I was walking home to tell mom the good news I saw Sanada walking my way probably heading home as well,
"Hey Sanada!!"
  I greeted him as I ran over to him. He waved with his stoic look but a I saw a small smile on his face. It's good to know that the old Sanada is still in there.
"So how did your test go?"
"What do you think. Of course I passed."
"Yeah yeah whatever mr. Ninja."
"What about you?"
"I passed though with a close call."
"*snicker* It was the Dobe wasn't it."
"Haha yeah but he did some of it for good reasons."
"Good to know he wasn't just doing it for fun."
"So did you have the bell test as your test?"
"Yeah and my teammates aren't that bad in skill so I won't have to save them all the time like you'll have to with the Dobe."
  When we got home we told mom how it went and she was so happy. We celebrated and when Sanada got up to get some Tomato's to eat we quickly told him not to go and that we'll get them. He had a confused look about what our urgency was and it's best we keep it that way (us getting him tomato's) we don't want what happened when we were kids happen again.

                          ~Enter flashback~
      Sasuke, Hinata, and a little girl Hisako stood at the entrance to the kitchen staring in shock at the scene before them.

       There was a barricade made of tables and chairs protecting the fridge, and bowl of fruit from them. Sanada was behind the barricade eating tomatoes,
"Sanada stop this right now and put all the furnisher back to the way it was now."
  Sasuke said in his fatherly voice,
  Little Sanada yelled throwing a empty tomato juice box at him who easily got it and crushed it. Sasukes eye twitched in annoyance.
"Why did he have to like tomatoes like me?"
"*giggles* well it's not the tomatoes but the protective nature he got from me."
  Hinata said. She always knew how to make things better without even knowing it. Sasuke looked at her and smiled. Hinata then walked towards the mini fort quietly while Sanada was busy drinking another tomato juice box. She got behind the barricade and lightly hit one of his pressure points putting him to sleep. She then picked up his sleeping body and started leaving the kitchen to put him to bed.
"You clean the kitchen ok?"
  She said to an amazed Sasuke as she walked past him and left the kitchen,
"Want me to help you clean?"
  Hisako said fidgeting with her little fingers as she looked up at him. He looked to her and smiled, petting her head,
"No, you go back to drawing I'll clean things up."
  He then started walking towards the barricade,
"You sure even with that one arm?"
  Hisako said smiling smugly at him. He closed his eyes and raised his one hand and clutched it. He opened his eyes and had a determined look,
"I accept this challenge."
Hisako laughed happily and went back to the living room to draw as he set to work.

                          ~Flashback end~
     Hehe he sure was lively...


          (Saturos P.O.V.)

      I was at home celebrating with my family until my mom opened a letter from the mail. It was.... the scores from the Genin exams and the NOTES that were written on them.

      I tried to slip out of the room to spare me some time but I was to late,
"Saturo... what do they mean by, "running through crowd of students with real demon wind shuriken and didn't use training weapons supplied"?"
   There was a dark aura around her while said that and one appeared around Dad when he heard it and Hanami was still to young and innocent to know what they meant. But suddenly the dark auras disappeared,
"*sigh* never mind. We'll talk about this later but right now it's time for bed."
  Mom said and we nodded and went to our rooms. I quickly changed to my pajamas after cleaning myself up. And went to bed.... UGH GREAT MOM AND DAD ARE GETTING NAUGHTY!! GROSS!!!!

   I quickly ran quietly to Hanamis room and turned on her favorite lullaby music at the volume to spare her of these sounds and to keep her asleep since she'll wake up some times from dreams of a old man with purple 'swirly' eyes and a target circle on his forehead that she'd spend the dream talking with. I don't know what she's talking about but it appears mom and Dad do..... odd....

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