Bell test part 1

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(Saturos P.O.V.)

      I opened my eyes hearing my alarm go off so I press the button to silence it. But it didn't work so I tried again and it still didn't work. I eventually got annoyed after repeatedly pressing the button fast do I started slamming my fist on it, and it was STILL going off!!!

       THATS IT I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!! I focused just enough chakra into my fist and slammed my fist onto the alarm!! Finally it's dead! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *sigh* why me.

I go down stairs since I fell asleep in my usual clothes and see mom and Dad having breakfast. Dad was having coffee with eggs and toast. But right now he was leaning against the counter talking to mom who was next to him cooking on the stove. They began to get all gushy gushy and I had to stop it before what happened last time doesn't happen again,
"Get a room before you do that, I'm trying to keep my innocence here."
"Well when you have kids and a wife. Don't think they won't say the same when your trying to keep things fun with your wife."
Mom responded teasingly,
"This is my innocence we're talking about here not my future."
Dad said. I involuntarily grabbed some cereal and milk and poured it into a bowl. After realizing what today was my head dropped and I whimpered. Mom and Dad snickered at this knowing full well what today was. I sighed and saw Hanami walk into the room so I moved my bowl to where in front of where she's about to sit. She looks at me wonder why I'm giving her my breakfast,
"I can't have breakfast or I'll barf during my test."
After that my stomach growled and I whimpered some more,
"I thought eating all that food last night would be enough to keep me from starving right now."
"But that wouldn't work big brother."
Hanami said with a teasing smile. Mom and dad agreed,
"Why didn't any of you tell me."
"Well Your dad was still in the office, Hanami was playing, and I wanted to let you find out plus it's good to eat well and grow strong."
Mom said and flexed her left arm with the last two words. Dad nodded in agreement but when he saw the flexed arm he sweat dropped.

I talked with everyone a little longer and then decided it was time to go. I went back upstairs to grab my ninja equipment like shuriken holster and my standard ninja pouch which was a wide ninja pouch that is held by both of my back pockets. {basically the ninja pouches leaf ninja like Kakashi wore during the 4th great ninja war} I checked my computer for the email on when and where we're meeting for the bell test. It said that we're meeting at the training grounds and at 7:30. Right now it was 7:13 so I had to get moving if I want to make it on time.

      When I got there I saw both Hisako and Mitsuki waiting with their equipment. We all greeted each other and right as it hit 7:30, poof a cloud of smoke appeared before us and when it dispersed was Konohameru-sensei holding a clock.
"Well hello everyone looks like your all here bright and early. And I can see you all heaved my warning."
Me and Hisako whimpered at the comment,
"But let's get down to business. Alright to explain what we're doing today is a test to see if you guys are really ready to be Genin.-"
"What!? But then what was the point of the graduation exams."
"That was to see possible candidates. Now to pass this test all you need to do is to take a bell from me before noon.-"
         He said as he was setting up the clock,
       "And whoever doesn't get a bell by noon will be tied to that post and will have to watch the others eat their lunch. And also that person or people will be sent back to the academy"
        Our stomachs grumbled when he said that. HE TRICKED US!!! We weren't gonna barf he just wanted us to be miserable during this!!! WELL THAT AIN'T HAPPENING SINCE I WILL BECOME THE GREATEST SHINOBI EVER!!! BELIEVE IT!!!!
        He then pulled something out from his ninja pouch and it was.... two.... bells.... HAHA I FEEL BAD FOR HISAKO, SHE IS SO SCREWED!!!

         "Now when I say start we begin...... ready.....-"
         We got into position for this challenge,
        We all jumped back.

        (Third Person P.O.V.)

     The three Genin jumped to go hide while Konohameru stood there with his eyes closed acting as if this was an easy game of hide and seek. By now he was a professional at this sorta stuff since he's been doing it since basically before he was in the academy as a little kid.

      When he opened his eyes he immediately looked into the trees that lead into the forest. He then easily and quickly spotted Hisako who was at the top of one of the many trees hiding under some leaves at the top and Mitsuki who was standing on one of the branches on the other side of a tree peering over at him,
      "Now that just leaves-"
      Saturo shouted in front of Konohameru. He didn't hide at all, he just jumped back a couple feet. Hisako face palmed and shook her head. Mitsuki just smiled, happy that his teammate was so lively,
      "You know most ninja would hide since it's the smart thing to do."
      "Well I'm too awesome for that!"
      "Why so?"
      "Because I'm special!"
      "You really are special..."
      Saturo grinned with his eyes closed feeling acknowledged,
       "But not the kind your thinking of."
      Hisako giggled as quietly as could and Mitsuki chuckled with his eyes closed and had a smile. Saturo just stood there processing it,
       Saturo yelled with a battle cry and ran at Konohameru with anger and pulled out a kunai to stab him with. In an instant Konohameru had him pinned down by using one knee to press Saturos free arm down on his back, Konohameru had one hand holding the back of Saturos head and the other holding the hand that held the kunai having the tip of the blade right under his head.

       Hisako gasped while Mitsuki flinched at the display of speed used by their sensei who looks like he's not even tired or breaking a sweat. Saturo stared wide eyed at the kunai positioned under him and began to fear it being pushed into him.
       "Well looks like you got something right. You had the intention to kill."

  (To be Continued)

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