The shouts of favela men became louder as they closed in on you and the soldier. You used the distracting sound to slip out of the soldiers grip. He grasped your ankle as you crawled away and yanked- hard.

You wailed out in pain, a warm and fuzzy feeling entering your ankle.


The soldier was caught off as the soldiers of the abandoned slum circled you both. You spun to your back and sat up on your rump even though it felt like hell was literally burning through your side.

The leader of the pursuit group spoke something to the others and then held up a hand directed towards you and the unknown soldier. You let out a moan of pain when a rugged man plucked you from your spot and shoved you towards a parked car in the distance.

You heard the American give a little fight. A few punches from the favela soldiers and he stopped, barely allowing them to lead him after you.

When you reached the old car, the man seizing you opened a back door and shoved you inside. Your right side pinched, something shifting once more, and you let out a squeak of pain. It didn't help that they shoved the Task Force soldier on top of you.

He struggled to get off, pressing just slightly on your side in order to sit up straight.

You kicked him off of you, scooting to the far side of the vehicle and holding your side. He gripped the bars separating the front seat from the back and a passenger in the front smacked his hands with a type of baton.

"Fuck you!" the soldier swore and you panted out to glare at him as the car started moving.

"This is your fault!"

"My fault?" the soldier looked at me, nothing but a white ghost-like face on the mask he wore.

"If you wouldn't have stopped me, I'd be swimming down that river in freedom right now!"

"That never could've happened," he hissed out. "You didn't have enough time to cover that much distance without being shot dead!"

"I could have made it!"

You stared daggers at the side of his face as he looked forwards with what sounded like a huff of annoyance and amusement. With a groan of frustration, you gingerly crossed your arms and looked out to the open part of the earth around the village- mostly open with very few trees.

The soldier spoke something to the men in the front seat. The passenger glared at him and spat something curt back.

"Shit," the soldier sat back, looking out of his window.

"What did you ask them?" you swallowed, angry at yourself for talking to an enemy.

"Where we were going," the soldier didn't move his head. "He said to their boss' hideout."

"Great," you mumbled, sighing.

The passenger suddenly turned in the seat to face the two of you. He held up a hand, a cylinder enclosed inside his grasp. You widened your eyes when you realized that it was a chemical spray.

"You mother-"

You coughed when the favela soldier sprayed the orange-colored particles in your face. The Task Force member next to you got tagged as well. You felt dizzy, your upper half swaying to the side the gave you pain.

A strong hand leaned you up against the door in a more comfortable way and you groaned, trying to shrug it off. The hand went limp and slid down your side.

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