Worst story ON wattpad

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School can be such a bore. we have so many projects but i just put them all in a blender. i have replaced my walls with blenders. So if my brother keeps on growing dicks i will put them in the blender and serve it to my family as a smoothy.
The will never know the truth.

I got hair dye and dyed my butt wings a different color so they match my ugly stripper-playboy bunny bleach blonde hair. perfect.

When i get to school i open my locker and find my legs in it from where my best friend slammed my locker on them. i tie a string around them and Hang them up on the ceilings. i go around the school and cut peoples legs off so i can complete my path of severed legs on the ceiling. i lead them to the foods room.
the room of life and love.
Then i leave school and forget about my classes.
Idgaf about school i will fly to mars. so i fly as high as i can and when i break through the earths atmosphere i fly even faster towards mars. in 1 hour i reach mars. broccoli. i look for Martians and find one then takes its legs so i can hang them up. all 26055 legs of his.

Doge is love
Doge is life
When Cate is near
Doge gets knife
When Doge is done
And Cate is kill
Such amaze
Doge is thrill

I lay alone in the cold.
I feel the warmth coming towards me.
Something touches my foot.
Its Shrek.

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