Later on in the day Mizuki found Naruto sitting in the trees. Smirking, he got to work.

"Hey Naruto."


"Listen Iruka was a bit hard in you because you remind him of himself. Well, anyway there is a make-up test for you to take.

"What? Really?"

"Really. But if you fail this there are no more chances and you'll never become a genin."

I'll do my best!"

Alright. Here's the plan...


"Um...Mizuki-sensei sure is late." His eyes then wandered landing on the scroll. Forbidden Scroll huh? Let's take a look. Hmm...sounds good."


"It's time."

"Time to die demon."

A roar came from the crowd behind them "Yeah! Tonight we'll be known as heroes! Let's go!"


Mizuki entered the clearing only slightly winded from running fast. "Naruto, how are you?"

"I'm good sensei. I even got a jutsu from the scroll!"

"Oh really? So you must be tired now."

"I'm exhausted."

"Naruto, do you know why you are hated by the people of this village so much?"

Naruto looked downcast. "No..."

Mizuki's smirk only grew wider. The crowd of ninjas and civilians came out the shadows with Iruka leading them. "It's because fourteen years ago the Yondaime Hokage sealed the Kyuubi within a newborn child. You are the Nine Tailed Demon Fox!"

"So you...tricked me?"

"Time to die, demon."

"Kage Bunshin!" Four clones appeared surrounding the crowd. One Naruto in each corner.

The two chunin teachers looked surprised the the demon child actually managed to learn a technique, but soon smirked.

A man in the crowd yelled, "Do you really think that you can defeat us? With only four clones of yourself!?"

Naruto looked up and said, "Shishienjin!"

The four Naruto clones glowed a violet color. The people in the crowd looked apprehensive. The purple color spread imprisoning his would be attackers. With his clones maintaining the violet prison, Naruto walked up and said, "Whoever touches the barrier will be burnt to a crisp." One dumb drunk decided to call his bluff by touching the barrier wall.

"Ahhyiii!" He was lit on fire by the purple flames until there was nothing but ash.

Pants were pissed in.

"As I was saying, you are all here to kill the demon, correct? Here's my deal. All of you have to have an all out, no holds barred battle royale. Meaning you have to kill each other before I let you out. Whoever survives gets a chance to kill the demon. Oh yeah, the longer you wait, the smaller the prison becomes. You have five minutes."

Nobody moved until a civilian coughed up blood. He looked down to see a blade jutting out of his chest. He then slumped over dead. More pants were pissed in. Ninjas started attacking civilians and when there was no more civilians to kill they turned on each other. Stabs to the heart, neck and head. Some were even pushed into the walls. Many panicked due to the wall closing in on them making them easy prey.

"Time's up." Naruto said as he dispelled his clones along with the barrier. "Now, wasn't that fun?"

"Time to die you monster." said a bloodied Iruka.

"You want Kyuubi, correct? Well you can have him."

"What do you-" He was cut off.

"Summoning: Kyuubi!"

A large amount of smoke poofed into existence. Revealing a humongous orange nine tailed fox.

"You wanted Kyuubi, now you have him."

"Itadakimasu!" It was a glorious slaughter people ran in hopes of escaping but were caught by Kyuubi's massive teeth. Kyuubi soon had his fill. The only people who remained were Iruka and Mizuki. Kyuubi grinned at them with his blood stained teeth.

"I'd eat you but Naruto would like to deal with you two. Now, I take my leave." And with a large poof he disappeared.

"Time to die." Naruto spoke. Naruto used Kyuubi's chakra and charged at Iruka. He tore his clawed hand through Iruka's stomach, ripping out his lungs. Naruto then used shunshin to get to Mizuki. Naruto ripped Mizuki's heart from his chest and forced it down his throat.

Soon ANBU approached leading the Hokage. All looked scared and disgusted to see the sight before them.

Then a spiky haired Jounin appeared in the clearing. "Am I too late to help kill the demon? He then noticed the dead bodies that littered the floor, and the Hokage glaring at him. "...Oh fuck."

"Oh fuck indeed." Spoke a grinning Naruto.


Mendokusai- Troublesome; Bothersome

Henge- Transform

Kawarimi- Body Replacement

Bunshin- Clone

Kage Bunshin- Shadow Clone

Shishienjin- Four Violet Flames Formation (This was the technique used to trap the Third Hokage during the Sound-Sand invasion)

Shunshin- Body Flicker

Itadakimasu- I humbly receive; Let's eat

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