Mine 24

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Copyright © 2010 Alexandra-Patricia Pusca 

§§§ 24 §§§

Gregory’s eyes widened as soon as he heard his master statement. A Morgan… This was surreal.

All had petrified expressions on their faces. Even Adrian seemed a little shaken up by this piece of information.

“How can it be? She’s human! She smells like a human…” they whispered.

“They performed the ritual… that’s the only logical explanation” Gregory answered fascinated by his discovery.

“God, I think I’m going to be sick” Patrick commented while thinking about the bloody ritual performed on a powerful vampire in order to lock his powers, his essence and his blood, trapping him or her in a useless human body.

“If she is a Morgan they might have needed at least three full grown up vampires. Maybe even more…” David said thoughtfully.

“She must have been just a baby… That explains the theory that there were no survivors” said Paul.

“My lord… what makes you believe that she is a Morgan?” Gregory asked calmly.

“I knew that she was my mate as soon as I saw her at the club” Liam admitted.

“We knew that something was wrong when you spoke with Jeremy after seeing her. You blocked us all out and you were acting strangely… Later on, when you asked me to follow her and protect her, I suspected that she was your mate… but a Morgan…” Gregory whispered.

“I’m not going to explain my reasons for creating a bond with Jeremy, but I believe that my decision was right because it helped me find out the truth. That day, when I went to her house, I spoke with Nicholas. I was under the impression that he bonded with Tanya only to protect her as strange as it was for a vampire to create a bond with a human I could try to understand, but I never imagined that he was her blood. He is bonded to her by blood. He would do anything to protect her like you would do for me… I did not believe him when he told me, but after her reaction and the pain he went through when she accused him. It must have been agony…” Liam whispered sympathetically.

“What are we going to do?” Simon asked innocently.

“The Council will hunt us down like animals for keeping this kind of information” David warned in a serious tone.

“Yeah David boy… maybe we should just hand over the girl…” Patrick teased, which angered Liam.

“Patrick, do not forget that you are talking about my mate” he warned.

“Oh man, you are all so fucking serious… you’re no fun” Patrick continued.

“Shut up!” David and Paul ordered together.

“We need a strategy and fast, before the girl’s awakening” Gregory advised.

“What do you suggest?”

“We shall keep her safe inside the mansion. Nobody knows about this location and none could track us down. She is safe until the transition begins” Adrian proposed.

“My lord, maybe we should force her awakening. It’s very dangerous to keep her human”

“No. I’m not doing that Gregory. Not until she’s ready. She knows nothing about our world and forcing her to awaken would be a disaster. She could be uncontrollable putting herself and us in mortal danger.”

“The Council fears Liam. They would do anything to find a reason to attack like they did before” Adrian said through his teeth.

“Those filthy bags of bones…” Patrick growled.

“We cannot give them reasons to suspect that something is happening” Paul warned.

“Simon, I need you to break through the Council’s security system and to find out anything you can about the Morgan clan. We need to know more about their abilities. The Council kept us in the dark so we need to find a way to discover what to expect” David continued.

“You don’t know what we’re getting yourselves into!” Adrian exclaimed sarcastically for the first time in that night.

“And you do?” Patrick challenged.

“There were stories known about the Morgan clan. It was after the great war when rumors spread about the cold red eyed demons. They were unstoppable and ready to kill everything they had in sight. The Morgan clan had many abilities: they could blind you instantly with just a look, they could force you to attack your own family and friends, and they could steal your powers and used them against you. It was said that one vampire male, called Darius, was so hungry and obsessed by his powers that he killed hundreds of humans in just one night before he was finally captured and killed by his own clan. His mate, Dalila, wanted to revenge him, so she used black magic to change the balance between worlds. She was punished for this, but, before she died, she gave birth to a child who was able to control the elements. It was said that the third generation after that child would give birth to a powerful descendent that shall control the balance between this world and the after world. It was said that this child will have the gift of life and death” Adrian whispered.

“Do you think that the descendant was born?” Paul asked.

“We do not know. I heard about the Morgan clan too, when I was just a child. Their powers were so great that every other vampire, from purebloods to turned vampires, feared them. They had a hierarchy of their own. Females were their most precious possessions. They were locked away and forced to mate with the male their father chose for them. They did not have the chance to meet their true mates. And in order for them to be able to procreate, the female and the male were forced through a ritual of exchanging blood in order to create an artificial bond. They practically did not have a word to say in their own future because the rituals were performed when the female was just a baby” Gregory confessed.

“What if they did something like that with the girl?” David whispered horrified.

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