Mine 7

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Copyright © 2010 Alexandra-Patricia Pusca 

§§§ 7 §§§


Jeremy was one of Tanya's friends and the best friend of her brother, Nicholas. They knew each other since she was five years old. So, now, when this mysterious man was threatening him she couldn't feel anything else than anger.

Unexpectedly, she raised her eyes, freezing instantly as soon as she saw him. In front of her stood a massive dark haired young man completely dressed in black. He had an angular face which gave him a dangerous look while his pale pink lips contrasted with his very masculine allure, but what amazed her were his dark colored eyes. They seemed almost black, endless sparkling onyx, even though she was sure that it was due to the dim light.

Liam couldn't believe his eyes. After all this time... after he had lost his hope... she was finally in front of him, analyzing his tall frame through narrowed eyes. Unconsciously, his body moved in inhuman speed as if it had a mind of its own, closing up the distance between their bodies.

Tanya's mind couldn't process what she saw because one second he was fifteen meters away and in the blink of an eye he was already in front of her, towering over her, just a few mere centimeters separating their bodies. She felt the strange electricity which surrounded them floating in the air and she couldn't understand any of it.

He was so close, his eyes never leaving hers as he leaned in her direction and sniffed. Tanya couldn't understand what he was doing, but she was afraid. He was huge, almost 2 m tall, with a strong jaw line and harsh features. She felt intimidated and tried to step back which made him growl. WTF.

Liam tried to control his strong instincts which took control over his body. His fangs were hurting him and in that moment, all he wanted to do was to claim her as his, to mark her skin, even though he knew that she was just a human.

His instincts were telling him that she was his and that nothing else mattered, even though she seemed so fragile with her small frame, her milky white skin, her delicate hands and her soft looking neck. She was the epitome of beauty and he couldn't have enough of her. He was hooked, but he struggled to keep his calmness, despite the fact that every cell in his body screamed to be released. She was his and only his, even though he could not have her... yet.

He had to be smart and not scare her away. He had to find the strength to do the right thing even if it was hard. Thank God he had decades of practicing how to control his urges otherwise he would have claimed her instantly. Unfortunately nobody had told him how strong his reactions will be or what he would feel while seeing her for the first time. With his family completely obliterated, there was no one left to teach him.

With great difficulty, he closed his eyes, trying to relax his tense muscles and forcing himself to turn around, so he could face his guards and Jeremy. Liam knew that he already did a few mistakes, especially when he moved in front of her and sniffed her neck.

He desperately needed to repair them before doing something else to jeopardize her safety. So, he did the only thing which crossed his mind. For her he would forget his pride and do the last thing which he would never do: compromise.

"I want to talk with Jeremy. Alone" he emphasized.

He was aware of the stunned expressions imprinted on the faces of his men. They could not believe that their master didn't kill the kid and the human girl for disrespecting him. By law he had the right. No one would interfere. No one would try to stop him. There were limits that you simply could not cross. Not when you talked about purebloods.

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