Mine 16

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Copyright © 2010 Alexandra-Patricia Pusca 

§§§ 16 §§§


Nobody knew that Tanya, feeling trapped inside the house decided to go back to the club, the place where she met the dark stranger. She didn't know what led her to go back there, but she hoped, deep down, that she would be able to find out more about the mysterious man who disturbed her life so much and unknowingly made her lose her sleep.

She could vividly still remember how his presence made her react just two nights ago, despite the fact that she didn't want him to have this kind of power over her. And what was even more amazing was the fact that analyzing the previous events, she became aware of one thing. Beside the fear, the gorgeous stranger was making her feel also something else, darker, but dangerously tempting. She could not put her finger on it, but it was something new, unexpected and terrifyingly strong taking root inside her soul.  


And... even if she was not used to risk, this was worth it. She wasn't sure about what she was going to do, but, somehow, in a strange and inexplicable way he seemed... important... and she wanted to at least give him a chance... to talk...to... know each other. Maybe then she would be able to suppress her inexplicable behavior toward him. After all she was sure that there was nothing special about him: probably just a huge ego and an arrogant attitude.

But every time she thought about him, her heart was beating furiously, her blood was boiling in her veins and her stomach was tumbling, giving her weird sensations, making her question her own reasoning.

It was true that he was intimidating and that he had a dangerous aura around him, but she felt the strange desire to be around him, to look inside those dark sparkling eyes and to hear his deep masculine velvet voice.

"Finally..." a man's voice suddenly stated from behind Tanya, startling her. She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she did not even notice the man who followed her.  

"You're finally alone..." he mumbled, slowly tilting his head while watching her every move.

It was the same guy who stalked her since Friday night, while she was inside the club, but Tanya didn't know that. She never sensed him and she never saw him so to her he was nothing else than a complete stranger.

"Who are you?" she asked confused, watching him through narrowed eyes.

In front of her stood a brown haired young man whose dark colored eyes were almost eating her alive. She did not know who this guy was, but all she was aware of was that he seemed dangerous and it definitely wasn't the same dangerous aura which Liam emanated. This was something darker, almost maliciously evil as he watched her with hunger.

"My... you smell so good..." he murmured while approaching her in slow motion as if he was provoking her.

Tanya didn't know if she should be afraid or not, or if she should cowardly try to run away from him or stay to fight, but of one thing she was completely sure. The last few days were not the best of her life and she wasn't going to let some... spoilt brat... to scare her.

"Look, I'm not really in my best mood, so, if you intend to joke around I suggest you to go and play with somebody else. I'm not interested" she warned him, turning around and walking toward her car. This place was deserted and she was sure that her trip to the club was just a very bad idea. Besides the fact that she didn't find Liam, she also stumbled upon a creep who seemed to have followed her around. She did not know what he wanted and to tell the truth she wasn't even interested in finding out.

But before she could reach her car, someone pulled her from her middle, violently turning her around. Dark mud colored eyes bored into her soul, making her skin crawl in disgust. She did not know who this man was, but she definitely didn't want him close. Her instincts were telling her the truth like always...

"Nobody and I mean nobody turns their back on me. You are no exception, girl" he threatened while roughly grabbing her by her shoulders.

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