Mine 1

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Copyright © 2010 Alexandra-Patricia Pusca 

§§§ 1 §§§

Blood, there was so much blood, on his chin, on his hair and on his hands, dripping in small puddles under his feet, soaking his clothes. Another young woman, another victim, yet he still did not seem to mind. The power of the blood coursing through his veins was worth it. The power... so pure... so fragrant... was everything. He knew that it was forbidden, but he did not care. His father was going to hide his tracks he thought smiling evilly. It was more a grimace widening his bloody mouth than a smile. He would do it again and again, without merci, without a trace of pity because they deserved it. They were weak, pathetic humans, filth. These were his thoughts as he stepped over the still warm body of his latest victim in the cool air of the night. He inhaled deeply, a new scent lingering in the air. "New blood", he whispered maniacally. I hope this one gives me a better hunt than the last one...


"...This cannot go on!" one of the Council members roared.

"We will be exposed, we will be hunted down like animals. Deputy Gordon and a few other members of the Parliament are already questioning our sanity. The savagery of the murders scares them. Some of them have daughters the same age of the victims. They want him apprehended. And I'm not surprised. The newest victim of this sociopath was unrecognizable. She was beheaded and her hands were tied so tight that the rope went to the bone. He mutilates them beyond recognition. We have a monster among us and we have to find him soon or he could ruin our political relationship with the President and with the Government" said another one.

Liam listened to another interminable discussion about the unexpectedly evasive serial killer who was starting to piss him off. The low blood was clever to manage to escape their hands for so long and mask his scent after killing each of his victims.

"Gregory!" Liam called interrupting one of the elders.

"Yes, my lord" Gregory, his most loyal man answered.

"Send Adrian, David and Paul to investigate the scene of the crime" Liam ordered standing in the process. He did not have the patience for this. He had more important problems than trying to calm the nerves of human politicians and members of the Council or to save humans. Yes, it was unfortunate that this maniac was killing human young women, but humans were weak and easily killed even by their own kind.

The members of the Council stood, raised their right fists to their hearts and bowed their heads as soon as Liam exited the Council Great Hall.

Gregory waited outside holding the car door open for Liam.

"Take us to the Black Blood Club."


At last... it was the summer holiday, the long awaited break that Tanya dreamed about. She was so happy to finally have a little time for herself after all the stress she's been through during the last few months because of her job. She loved to write, but when she had three deadlines for different books with a little time to spare it tended to be overwhelming.

So, the summer holiday was a time when most left town to go to the Black Sea coast or in the brains of the Carpathian Mountains. Tanya did not leave town. Every now and then she would go with Nicholas in a short vacation but it never was for more than a few days. She never understood why Nic kept her away from the world, but, she could not ignore the fact that without him she would be devastated and completely alone.

Enough with the heavy, she told herself. It was Friday and her best friend, Anne, promised to take her to a recently opened famous club. Tanya wasn't quite the party type, she did not like what most people liked and she did not want to spend her free time drinking in clubs. But, after all she was twenty five years old and she felt that she didn't live her life yet, so she accepted to join her friends at The Black Blood Club.

So she dressed herself in a deep blue midi dress with floral designs and a deep décolletage on the back. She liked that dress very much because it was a gift from Nicholas, the man who raised her, her only relative and her legal guardian. After brushing her hair, combing it in a lose bun, while letting a few strands of brown silky hair to fall over her shoulders, she used a little make up to compliment her pale complexion.

Her fair skin and her pale pink lips would have made her look like a porcelain doll if it wasn't for her sparkling dark green eyes which seemed to hide too many secrets.

Tanya was putting on her shoes when her friend Anne started screaming her name from outside her house, probably waking up Tanya's neighbors. Mrs. Mitchell was surely going to tell her to keep it quiet in the future. After all it wasn't the first time when she was upset because of the noise Anne was making each time she and her boyfriend, Jeremy, were coming to pick Tanya up, but this night felt different so Tanya decided to ignore her thoughts feeling that something else was out there, and waiting for her. She felt giddy for some unknown reason and she didn't want to think about anything else other than to entertain herself. So, she left the house in a hurry, passing by Nicholas, who seemed annoyed by her good mood.

"Tanya... where are you going?" he asked in a bored tone as if he couldn't keep up with her anymore.

"I'm going out, Nic. A new club has opened in town." she said happily, while kissing his cool cheek. "I don't know when I'm coming back. Sorry, but I'm quite in a hurry".

"Which club Ty? I already told you that it's not safe to get out at such a late hour in the night..." he explained, telling her the same thing over and over again.

Obviously nothing ever happened, so Tanya didn't think much of his words. After all this time she was sure that Nicholas was just exaggerating with his worries. Thank God that she was twenty five years old and that she didn't have to do everything he told her anymore. Talking about overprotective brother...

Before she was eighteen years old, Nic was a constant presence in her life. She couldn't go out, she couldn't do anything without Nic's approval, she had to stay inside most of the time and she was forbidden to have a boyfriend... all because of Nic.

Even so, she was partially grateful because Nic's constant protectiveness was one of the reasons for which she became a writer. What else could she have done while staying inside all the time?

"Please Nic I'm not a kid anymore. Besides, Anne and Jeremy are already waiting outside... Please..." she said while pouting like she did when she was just a few years old.

Nicholas knew all her tricks, but, even so, he couldn't deny her anything. His job was to protect her, but he also wanted to give her a little space to grow. After all, to him, she was just a child.

"Ok, fine, you can go with your friends. Do not talk with strangers and stay with your friends during the entire night" he ordered with a tone which left no other place for complaints.

"Ughhh... I don't know what I am going to do with you..." she mumbled while narrowing her eyes while heading towards the door without even looking back.

"I love you too, Tanya" Nicholas chuckled while a fuming Tanya was getting out the door.

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