Chapter 21: Sly Witch

Start from the beginning

"'It's getting late,'" I recited. Aza nodded before handing me a piece of paper. It looked old and worn, like it was written very long ago. The ink was even bleeding through the parchment.

"Read this exactly how it's written and remember to say his name at the very end. If it still works, he should come to you. You remember where Aubade is?"

I looked towards the couch by the wall in the attic - hidden underneath the cushions. That's where the difficult part would settle in, getting Hezekiah over there willingly.

After we had gone over everything, Aza finally rubbed the oil on her chest and neck. Then everyone just stood around, in shock that we were actually doing this.

"Go," I told them, smiling as if everything was going to be fine. I didn't care whether they believed me or not, I just needed to convince myself. And once I was alone, I knew that I had to swallow my fear and remember who I was doing this for - the Coterie, the Silver Syndicate, myself, Mama. I had to tuck all doubt away and remember that Erzulie was watching.

I turned off the light in the attic. It was completely dark except for the moonlight pouring through the window. I looked back at the closet they were all in, knowing I was seconds away from pretending they weren't even there. And once my mouth opened, I knew there was no turning back. I read over the summoning rites as best as I could; they were in Latin:

O dea tenebris mater immortalibus puer tuus fac me sicut renascentur," I said, "mea lux vestra absorbere liceat mihi locus ad tenebras sicut ex utero immortales filios tuos in ulnis quibus invocaverit te frater O lunae lumen puer tuus fac me sicut renascentur me duce tenebris sunt i ita erit renatus per -

I knew to seal this chant in blood, I had to say his name. My hands were stained with the ink from the parchment, damp with sweat. I had to say his name, but the words wouldn't come out. But I knew I had to, so I forced them; coaxed them. And Hezekiah's name then left my lips, escaping admits a shuddered mumble. I closed my eyes, waiting for something to happen -  a chill, a gust of wind, some bats to come bursting through the window or something. I read the parchment again in my head when three uneventful minutes passed by. I couldn't understand a word; useless.

Five minutes. I turned on the light, turned it off, then turned it back on. I figured he was hiding somewhere in the attic, but he wasn't. He just wasn't coming.

"Maybe I said this wrong?" I mumbled, but by that point, the ink had bled so bad the writing was now beyond decipherable. Frustrated, I crumpled up the piece of parchment and threw it on the other side of the room. And at the moment, I figured it was my paranoia putting thoughts into my head, but I wondered why I didn't hear the sound of the paper hitting the ground.

I slowly pivoted towards the darkest corner of the attic and waited. And when I heard the paper unraveling in the darkness, I held my breath, digging my nails into my palm. I dared not even walk towards the sound. I instead took steps back. Three, to be exact. I stood still, counting every time I blinked so I wouldn't hyperventilate to death. I did this until the wood creaked faintly, like a small animal had walked across. I shouldn't have been so shocked to see Hezekiah in person, walking towards me with the parchment in his hand. But I was undoubtedly in shock. That tall, dark and mystifying man - creature - had come into the light, answering my summons. His outfit was different and clean - loose white shirt, brown trousers and loafers. Similar to everything else he usually wore, but just not stained with blood. And that face hadn't changed a bit - still carved by the gods themselves, every curve accentuated by the shadows the light created. His eyes were brighter than the fucking lamp, for Christ's sake. Brighter than the actual lamp; burning the deep amber I was too familiar with. He had feed well before coming here.

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