The Jacksons and Others Worldwide Part 2

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Annabeth's POV
Location: Athens Greece

We'd been in Greece for two days, today was our last full day. The parents had all decided to put off the Parthenon for last so we could see other landmarks in Athens and expose our kids to more of the city rather than its center piece.

The trip had be fun and nonstop running around since the day we arrived. The days were filled with sightseeing, running around the city, visiting the ocean and eating so much food. Yesterday, all the girls had gone shopping while the boys visited a few museums. The sun was shining and the sky was a blue bird color, a perfect day to leave Athens.

"Everyone, shoes on and get out to the cars. We're off to the Parthenon in five minutes!" Leo called.

"Grab your suitcases too, we we going right to the airport at four o'clock. Make sure everything is cleaned and packed away." Calypso added.

The house was chaos, with kids scrambling around trying to find shoes and adults shouting over their kids if they couldn't find something. So far, nothing in this house had been broken, I hoped it would stay that way for the last few minutes we were here. The girls had cleaned their sleeping area and packed everything away last night, they were very organized, the boys however, weren't as prepared. Half the morning consisted of the parents yelling at them to pack.

The boys' area looked like a tornado had hit the main room. Luke, as usual, was all packed and ready to go. Charlie and Henry had trouble putting their things together but they did really well in comparison to the group. Marcus, Aspen, Troy, Sammy and Elliot were the problem this morning. I made our family put the suitcases in the back of our car and stay uninvolved with the chaos in the house. After Piper and I did a house check, we left the place at eight thirty.

We had until four before we would we'd leave for the airport, that gave us plenty of time to visit the Parthenon and maybe hit some small shops nearby. We pulled into the parking lot and paid the admission fee to enter, we told the kids not to touch anything, and to be quiet because this was a museum. Taylor, Riley, Helen, Penny, Lena, Delilah and Lily, went with Calypso and Hazel towards one end of the exhibit. Charlie, Aspen, Henry, Elliot, Zoe and Sammy went with Percy and Leo. Piper, Rachel and I decided to catch up on our own while Jason and Orion took Luke, Lauren, Ruth, Troy and Marcus around. I noticed that Luke and Lauren hung back from their group pointing and talking in the direction of the pieces.

"They're so adorable Annabeth." Piper cooed. I wasn't paying much attention as I was more focused by a stone carving.

"What? Who is?" I asked cluelessly.

"Oh my gods they are. Annabeth look at them, it's like seeing you and Percy." Rachel turned my head towards Luke and Lauren laughing and Lauren shoving him playfully.

"They are aren't they. It's so cute how good of friends they are." I smiled at them.

"Does Luke ever talk about her? You know, in a different way?" Piper asked, not taking her eyes off them.

"How do you mean?" I gave her a confused look.

"You know, does he look at her differently than he does with everyone else? He doesn't look at Ruth like that at all." Rachel observed. I pondered the thought, every time anyone brought up her name he would flush red. And every time he saw her, she made his eyes light up like the sun.

"Yeah, he does look at her differently, but not in a weird way. He's very protective around her, I've never figured out why." I observed.

"Because he likes her Annabeth." Piper said like it was obvious.

"You guys know they're only twelve right?" I refocused my attention on the stone carving.

"And when exactly did you say you had a crush on Percy?" Rachel giggled.

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