The Disappearance of Arthur Kirkland

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'You're perfectly sane, so why are you here?

You have people to love, things to do, so why are you here?

Follow my lead, and I'll get you out alive.'

A part of me wondered if maybe, just maybe, the voice in my head wasn't telling lies.


English girl found dead outside abandoned asylum, heart cut from chest. Culprit unfound.


Footsteps echoed in the empty, pristine hallway of the asylum, but I had no cause for alarm. They were only my own, and even if they weren't, it was only likely they were that of a doctor, or a nurse.

It would be a relief, too.

For I hadn't seen another soul since I had set foot in the building.

Turn after turn I took, and yet never found what I was looking for. I never once stumbled back upon the lobby, I never once found company in the echoey hallways.

I never once glanced at a door that had the name of Arthur Kirkland inscribed on its plaque.

I was sure, very sure, that I was taking the right route. Many times I had visited him, to see how he was doing- to make sure he wasn't drifting into deeper insanity between visits.

So where was his room?

Where were the people?

"Hello?" My voice sounded strange and alien in such a quiet place. It echoed, tricking me into thinking a clone of my own voice was a person just down the hallway.

That's when the whispering started.

Incomprehensible, half uttered words only just reaching my ears from all directions. Eyes now filled with worry, I continued on, dubbing the things I heard as my own loneliness playing a trick on me.

However, that proved a bit too hard when a few more steps down the hall led to the whispers becoming louder. More comprehensible.

'It's the girl.'

'The girl Mister Kirkland tells us all about.'

'The girl who got him sent here..'

I shook my head, trying to clear it of the voices. They never ceased.

They just got louder.



Louder, until they were yells, screams, shouted accusations.

'We'd be free if it wasn't for her!'

'Get out of here!'

'You aren't welcome!'


'You aren't welcome!'



With a pained cry, I squeezed my eyes shut and threw my hands over my ears. It did nothing to block the sounds.

'Leave us alone!'

"Leave me alone!"

I don't know how long I stood there. I don't know how long I cowered in the middle of the dark, dusty and abandoned hallway.

But when I opened my eyes, I saw what I hadn't seen before.

The walls weren't pristine.

The halls weren't clear.

The windows didn't allow sunlight to stream through and guide my way.

And before me was the door I had been looking for.

The door with the name of Arthur Kirkland on it's dusty plaque.

A soft tap on my shoulder made me spin around, eyes wide and alert.

Before me stood Arthur, normal, sane Arthur, a sad smile painted onto his face.

"It's only me, love."

Tears of relief started to make their way down my face, to my chin, where they collected together and dropped to the floor. I made a move to embrace him, but he pushed me back.

For he wasn't smiling sadly at all.

He wasn't the normal, sane Arthur at all.

His blonde hair was tousled and filthy, so much so that it wasn't even recognizable as blonde anymore. Blood stained his grinning face, his green eyes darker than ever.

"Looks like our game of hide and seek is over, love."

While I stood there in shock, frozen with fear, he reached forward and covered my eyes with his hands.

"And I win."


Tasked With Insanity || A Hetalia Horror StoryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt