The Disappearance of Francis Bonnefoy

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'You're not appreciated,

And no one takes you seriously.

If you just followed me, I could show you people who will.'

Yes, you're right... why are they even my friends anymore?


English girl found dead in house in France. Autopsy claims her cause of death was poison.


I think I was the only one who really cared.

When Francis disappeared, everyone seemed unfazed- apart from Arthur, who seemed very happy at first.

I was the only one who suggested going to look for him.

And I ended up being the only one who did go to look for him.

Seeing as I had absolutely no idea where to start, I had gone to his house.

I had hardly ever been there, but I knew it's location well enough.

...But nothing there seemed out of the ordinary.

..Nothing if you don't count the fact that there didn't seem to be anyone there, and-

The door wasn't locked.

Actually, that last one is quite worrying.

Calling out 'excuse me,' I stepped inside, closing the door behind me and shutting myself in the house full of only the eerie silence of a deserted place.

What had happened to him..?

From outside, the house had looked pretty big. It was going to take quite some time to search every room, look in every nook and cranny, and walk down every hall.


My voice resonated through the entrance hall I remained stood in, and there was no answer. No sound, other than my own voice echoing into the silence.

A sigh escaped my lips.

"So.. I'll have to find him the hard way?..."

Another sigh, and I started my search. Every room, every nook and cranny, every hall I could find.


Sitting alone in one of the last rooms I got to, was Francis. Back to the door, he looked out the window silently. He didn't even flinch when the creaking of the door signified that someone had entered.

"F...Francis?... What are you doing here alone?"

Further into the room I stepped, and he didn't answer, or even move.


I walked past him, and stood in front of him, so I could see his face.

He was smiling just a little, and his eyes went to mine almost immediately.


There was a glass of wine held gently in his hand. I looked down at it, and, with a scowl, snatched it away from him.

I had always had a problem with him drinking.

Something dark seemed to flash in his eyes, and I swear that for a second he smirked.

I put the glass to my lips and drank it, just so he couldn't.

Oh, what a mistake that was.

It burned so much, and it hurt. Tears blossomed in my eyes and I dropped the wine glass, not even hearing the glass shatter as it hit the floor.


He'd.. poisoned the wine.

Because he wasn't drinking it...

And he wanted me to drink it..?

My eyes found Francis', a look of betrayal clouding in them. He was grinning, but the look in his eyes said his emotions were much otherwise.

From his pocket, he pulled out a bottle, showing it to me.

Cyanide poison.


"I'm sorry, mon cherie. But now that you've gone, I won't have any regrets in leaving myself."

Tears previously in my eyes trailed down my face.


Darkness clouded my vision and I knew that was it.

I had died.

...I had been poisoned by the one I cared about the most.


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