The Disappearance of Feliciano Vargas

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'What if I told you everything you knew was a lie?

What if I told you there's much more to life you can't see?

What if I told you that I could show you it all?'

That's what I heard the darkness call.

English girl found dead in an abandoned house in Italy. Autopsy claims she froze to death.

An abandoned mansion isn't the most pleasing place to be. Especially in the dead of night, and with a purpose to investigate the disappearance of your one and only best friend.

Cold fog closed in around me, embracing my shivering form in a way that could never be calming. The breeze shook the dead arms of the bare trees around me as I closed my eyes and took a deep, shaky breath. I was fine stood out here, I told myself. I didn't have to go into the mansion that towered before me. Someone else could come and risk their sanity to find Feliciano.

"There's people who knew him better anyway," I whispered the comforting lie, opening my eyes to allow accidental tears to escape.

This time, however, the door to the mansion was open. Eerie giggling reached my ears as I wiped my eyes quickly and I stepped forward reluctantly.

The giggling just got louder.

I took one last, shaky deep breath of the fresh, forest air before stepping in through the open door, and into the hall filled with discarded shreds of what looked like newspaper.

Almost immediately, the door slammed shut behind me and the giggling ceased.

My eyes began to get used to the dark, but even so, there was still a compelling fear crushing down on my entire being almost as much as the darkness did.

Because a part of me knew, a part of me just knew, that everything would go wrong. I would not return home tonight. I would not report to Lovino Vargas on how his brother disappeared. I would never leave the cursed walls of this building.

I continued on, although every part of me screamed to leave, break the probably already rotted door down and run far, far away. However, no matter how much the pleas of my ignored thoughts shouted, no matter how much I wanted to run home and hide under my bedcovers like a little child, there was something.

And I dragged my feet forward.

Dragged them forward through the hallway.

As I walked, I noticed a candle at my feet.

Pausing for only a second, I picked it up.

Dragged them forward up the rotting, wooden stairs.

A discarded box of matches lay by the steps.

I picked them up, and struck one to like the candle before progressing.

Dragged them forward towards the only room with a closed door.

Dragged them forward to the giggles echoing in the dark beyond my flame.

The flame flickered, my only salvation from fear and insanity being deprived of me.

The flame flickered.

The flame flickered.


And finally blew out.

I started to sob. A strangled cry, tears streaming down my face in their own little waterfalls of sorrow, as I dropped the rendered useless candle and shuffled forwards towards the door, pulled by this curse that was upon me.

The giggling grew louder.

The door opened in front of me, and I took the last actions I was available to make by myself before this curse took me into it's forceful, hateful arms.

I looked up.

I let out a choked gasp.


He giggled. A smile was plastered on his face- one that reminded me too much of a creepy child in a horror film.

"Ah, my bella ragazza! You've come to join me, I see? How nice of you!"

The curse made me smile. Tears froze on my face.

"Y-Yes, Feliciano... I've come to join you. I've come to join you... a-and forever I will stay."


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