Chapter 9: Rabbit Heart

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"Anna." Sebastian said going towards her. "Anna, calm down."

"What?" She exclaimed with her hands up. They were shaking.

"What the fuck did just happen?" He asked standing in front of her.

"Nothing." She growled. But Sebastian did not understand anything.

"Okay, just breathe." He whispered grabbing her hands slowly. "What happened?"

"Today is my sister's wedding." She mumbled looking away.

"And what's the matter with that?" He asked placing his index finger under her chin to make her look at him.

"She's marrying my ex." She said harshly. That was not the problem, obviously. "And now my entire family blames me because I am not there."

Sebastian didn't say anything. He simply sighed, and a rush of feelings came to his body. He wasn't jealous, but somehow it made him feel like that. That made him doubt.


"I don't love him. I know you are doubting." She whispered and just gazed his eyes. "It is just the fucking pressure of my family. I feel guilty but honestly, she is my bloody sister and I will never understand what she did. Don't get me wrong, I love my family but that is the damn fact."

"I know it is not easy, but try to take it like that." Sebastian said leaning a bit his head, still patient.

"Some things never sleep, Seb." She sighed and shrugged. Anna just had the pressure over her shoulders, nothing else. "I am over it-I swear I am."

"Love, enough." He said to comfort her. Then, he embraced her wrapping both arms around her upper body. She simply closed her eyes, holding onto him. "It is okay."

"I am sorry." She mumbled. She wouldn't cry about it.

"Don't be." Sebastian replied and kissed her forehead. "Don't look back in anger."

"Oasis." Anna chuckled while he nodded and laughed. "Seb, may I tell you something?"

"For sure." He replied still looking into her blue eyes.

"I know you still don't know so much about my life." She began to talk. "But you will, and I don't want that to ruin anything between us. If I didn't tell you about my family it is because I didn't want to throw that shit over you. I love them, I do. They are amazing and kind, but I've never been as close as I'd like to."

"Because you use a wall to protect yourself." Sebastian replied. She nodded. "It is fine I guess. I am not very much close to my father, so I can understand."

"Where does he live?" She asked rubbing his back.

"If I am not wrong, I think he still lives between Romania and Moldova, but I don't know." He grimaced.

"You want to visit Romania, don't you?"

"I miss it way too much." He sighed this time. She grinned. "What?"

"Your face changes when you talk about it." She said. "I mean, your eyes say something. Like you wish so bad to go."

"And I do." He nodded and laughed. "But I can't right now until I have the enough time."

"Well, I am sure you will find out a way." Anna whispered. That changed her mood for good. She already knew what would be his birthday present the next month. "What about your mother?"

"About that." He said. "I was wondering if you wanted to go with me so I can introduce you to her and my step-father."

"Oh, sure!" She exclaimed grinning. "I'd love to, honestly. But I don't know if they will like me."

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