Chapter 1: On Est Là

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Everything started one silent and rainy day of November in Brooklyn. No one could tell the difference between yesterday or tomorrow. Even both of them never expected the situation. Nor they wanted to meet.

However, the cold began to freeze the entire city slowly. It was the perfect moment to get inside the nearest café and relax, something impossible in Brooklyn.

The people was just decorating the outsider part of their houses with Christmas stuff. Smothering because it wasn't even December. And the people was laughing, sharing moments.

''How can people be happy after all?'' He snorted, gazing the scene from the other side of the street. Then, he shook twice and made his way to the café, his favourite place and where no one could bother him.

''What a long face, kiddo.'' The now, old woman greeted him as he placed his hands over the counter.

''It's-How can you all be this happy?'' He asked once again, handing her the money. ''Same as always.''

''Sebastian, my dear.'' She sighed and laughed softly. ''This is just... Part of the movement. Why don't you go out this afternoon and forget about everything or try to meet anyone?''

''If that worked, I'd be more than glad.'' He shrugged and grabbed the cup and the cookie. ''But no one loves me, you know that, Jane.''

''I do. And also your friends, your family.'' She replied while he twisted his neck to gaze her. Then he, he just shook twice.

It was more the disappointing feeling he had than the Christmas. Jane tried always to cheer him up, something impossible since this kid had to leave his hometown to clear up his mind.

Sebastian had been always someone mysterious. He kept all his secrets inside. Perhaps Jane was who knew more about him than anyone else, and she only knew why he left, his name and a bit more, not too much.

Anyways, the brown haired left the café and made his way to the mall. Somehow he was lost among his thoughts during the way home. He did open the door of his small and rented apartment the same way as always, but this time it was different. Someone knocked on his door twice, which never happened usually if it wasn't one of his friends or even someone of his family.

''I'm on my way!'' He shouted from the kitchen. Then, he unlocked the door and saw her face.

''Hi! I'm...'' She said and looked up to the blue eyes she had in front of. ''I'm Anna.''

''I'm Sebastian.'' He replied awkwardly, still looking into her eyes.

''Oh well, yeah.'' She chuckled and rubbed her forehead. ''I'm the new neighbour and... I'm quite lost, also I need some help.''

''Oh yeah, sure.'' Sebastian nodded and opened the door to let her come in. ''Don't stay in the corridor, the rest of the neighbours are too gossip, believe me.''

''I'm sorry I've bothered you.'' Anna sighed with her fingertips over her cheeks.

''It is fine, I was doing nothing important.'' He chuckled softly, offering her a seat. ''Do you want something to drink or eat?''

''No, please. I'm fine.'' She nodded and grinned. ''Actually I just need some help to carry the bunch of boxes I have because I live one floor upstairs and...''

''I get it, don't you worry.'' He chuckled once again. ''Are the boxes already here?''

''No, they are about to arrive.'' She explained. Then, began to play with her hands.

''May I ask you if you are from here?'' Sebastian asked this time.

''No, I'm not.'' She spoke. ''Actually I'm from Poland.''

''I see.'' He replied. It was really, really awkward.

''Well... The boxes are here, if you don't mind.'' She said shyly, standing up.

''Sure, let's go.'' He nodded and followed behind her.

''I guess this may be the last one.'' She huffed tiredly.

''Oh God no.'' Sebastian complained, making her laugh out loud.

''I can take care of that.'' She said laughing and picking the box up. ''And thank you so much for helping me.''

''It doesn't matter.'' He smiled and hid his hands inside his pockets.

''Sebastian?'' She asked while he was about to cross the door.

''Yes?'' He replied, turning back to face her.

''Would you mind if you show me around? It's... It's that I'm alone right now and I do not know this place.'' She sighed and bit her lower lip softly.

''I...'' Sebastian said awkwardly. He tried to be kind, but it was hard.

''Sorry, probably you have a sort of things to do and I'm just...''

''No, I can show you around if you want me to.'' He affirmed this time.

''Tonight or tomorrow morning?'' She asked with bright eyes.

''Whenever you want to.'' He replied. ''I'm free most of the days, so.''

''Well, I'll go downstairs tonight if you don't mind.'' She smiled.

''It will be nice.'' He nodded. ''Now I have to go, if you need something, just knock my door.''

''Sebastian, thank you.'' She said and he grinned, leaving her in her apartment.

To be honest at all, Sebastian felt something else than the hate he had that same morning. It was like she took something, she did catch his attention somehow.

He couldn't forget her blue eyes. He simply couldn't, and he felt wrong with that.

Sebastian was someone who had a tough life, more since he had to leave his beloved Romania to build a new life in the U.S., but with no one behind to pick him up in the hardest moments. Only Jane did somehow.

He was young, 23 years old to be exactly. And he was living alone since he was 18. He never had a huge relationship with the family. He considered that family is not always blood. Same happened to Anna.

The Polish one left home at the early age of 20. She was tired of living in the same town, and she only knew a few people in Brooklyn besides Sebastian. She left home with the same reason as Seb behind her arm. It was something she never imagined.

However, both of them kept themselves thinking about each other when they were alone. The eye contact probably. It was harder for him to open up than for her.

He struggled with pain way too much than it was necessary. Issues.

It was something he had to deal with, and that no one knew but his mother. He loved her way too much and she did back. He missed her every day.

Both of them were very much alike. Different taste of music, dance, clothing... But same thoughts.

And Sebastian, thought he was a quite closed person and also quiet, didn't feel he was doing an effort when he was helping her. He accepted at first, which was pretty much strange.

In another case, probably the situation would be the opposite.

The main question is: how do you deal with that kind of feelings, if you can call them like that, when you've built a thick wall and you're as cold as a stone?

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