With determination Prompto swiftly swung his legs over the bed and burrowed his feet into the floorboards, pain shocked through his body, but he absorbed it into every fibre of his being. Step by step he waddled over to the door and finally was able to grasp the door handle. He swung it open and his footsteps were heard by Noct.

"What are you doing?" Noct hurried over to Prompto, but before he reached him Prompto began to collapse. 

The prince stretched his arms out and caught the boy before he hit the floor. He picked him up to his feet and held him up strongly.
"You don't learn." Noct brushed the blonde hair out of the boy's eyes.

Without warning Noct picked Prompto up and began carrying him down the stairs and through the hotel lobby. The rental car sat outside waiting for the two and glistened under the warm sun of Lestallum. The shine was no where near how majestic the Regalia was.
Prompto was sat in the passenger seat, strapped in tightly for protection.
Noct Quickly hopped into the drivers seat and hit the gas hard.

"We're going to Hammerhead to meet Cor." The prince explained.

"Cor? Why?"

"Something has happened..."

"Oh no..."

"Iggy and Gladio called Cor. We don't know why and... if they're alive or not."

"No... no..." Prompto began to shake his head.

"Hey, this wasn't your fault. I said this to you earlier. We are going to meet Cor and decide then what is going to happen"

"Understood." A small tear raced down Prompto's cheek.

The sound of the cheap rental car rustled on concrete roads. The sun was warm and sat perfectly in the centre of the sky. In the distance there sat a layer of orange sand that reflected the sun beautifully. Hammerhead was only a few miles away.

In no time the thin rubber wheels made contact with the fine sand on the deserted roads. Both boys dared to speak a word as thousands of thoughts rushed through their minds. It was windy now and the small sand storm caused poor visibility, an unnecessary obstacle in the heat of the moment.

Small rocks began flying at the windshield as it was picked up by the strong wind. The green car pushed on at its fastest to battle the weather and to reach Hammerhead in time. Finally, the metal garage was in sight. The green car turned the corner and pulled in tightly to the protection of Hammerhead.

"Welcome boys." This time Cindy sounded sadder, expectable with the current situation.

"Hey Cindy." Prompto faked a smile despite being in the sights of his crush.

"Give me a hand?" Noct asked Cindy while looking at Prompto.

"Oh my, he injured?" Cindy ran over to the passenger door.

"Just a bit." Noct smiles.

The blue haired boy and the blonde haired girl both take a side of Prompto as they assist him like crutches towards the diner where Cor was waiting. The glass door swung upon, revealing Cor sitting in a booth in the far left corner of the diner.

"Nice to see you two at least." Cor put his arms around both the boys as Noct and Cindy placed Prompto onto the sofa.

"You sure you're okay?" Cor looked concerned as Prompto gripped onto his stomach.

"I'm fine." 

"I'll take your word."

"Let's get straight into business." Noct reaches out to Cor.

"This is the message they sent me." Cor places the phone into the Prince's gloved hand.

"There was no reply from them, but if you Listen closely..."

"The empire!" Prompto interrupted.

"Exactly." Cor looked at Noct.

The three were worried and saddened and the thought of losing Ignis and Gladio.

"They can't be gone. Where was this sent?" Noct questioned.

"Home." Cor replied. The single world struck through both the boys

"Home?" Both best friends question.

"I went there before you both arrived. No sign of them, but heavily guarded by the empire. More than before. Something went down there, there was thick black smoke coming out from the inside of the walls itself."

"They were looking for information on Prompto." Noct added.

"Although the Kingdom is off limits... the empire wouldn't have gone to such extremes as they did... including stealing the Regalia. Unless..." Cor began to speak.

"Unless they found something they shouldn't have." Prompto thumped the table.

"Sounds plausible." Noctis agreed.

"In fact... I did see a larger ship usually only used by commanders." Cor remembered.

"You don't think it was Ardyn right?" Prompto sounded worried.

"It could've been anyone. But if it was Ardyn, then we can probably guess who the information that Iggy and Gladio found was about." Cor suggested.

"Based on how Ardyn works. Iggy and Gladio are still alive. The chancellor likes to play games and this is one of his little tricks. He stole the Regalia so we can trace it, so it will lead us to them. He wants us to chase the mouse, even if we get eaten by the wolf." Noct felt slightly relieved.

"Then let's play his little game." Cor smirked.

Worthless// A Final Fantasy XV Prompto StoryWhere stories live. Discover now