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"My Sister was a Warrior, she stood for what she believed in, she did her, as a child we would work out and play, I was always the over protective older brother that wanted no harm to her, anyone who brought her harm I would end, she was the little sister I adored, she was my best friend, I felt all her pain, after her first boyfriend cheated on her when she was 15 I vowed no boy or man would ever hurt her, when she tried to kill herself when she was 16 I vowed to make sure she never was depressed again, I trained her with our father, at first she was scared but then she was as confident as can be, I was a proud older brother, people bullied her for it, their words were like scars, their words did scar, she used to cry herself to sleep every night, then she used to say it was a stupid reason and that she was stupid. Of course I would tell her to stop being stupid and I would hold her till she fell asleep in my arms. There she felt safe, I told myself let no Man or person be her down fall, my sister was loved by millions of fans around the world and is loved by many family and friends, No man nor person killed her, I knew she would be a fighter, she put up a tough fight, my sister died saving a life like a fighter would. My sister will forever be a fighter. She will forever be remembered, her name is tattooed on my heart cause that is where she will remain until I join her, she would not want us to dwell on her, she would want us to move on, to stay strong and to never stop loving, She will forever remain in our hearts, see you again one day"
Said Randy as he dropped a rose onto his sisters coffin

That's the end......
I will be editing and that so yeah stay tuned and peace!

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