Waiting room

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When we got to the hospital and I went straight to the waiting room, I couldn't see him yet as the doctor was still in there.
The guilt for not being there had left me now.
I was just worried about how I was going to cope with out him for a while.
God Randy what are you doing to me.
Nikki- Hey, any news?
Me- no I haven't seen him yet
Nikki- okay, send my love and kisses xoxo

"Seth's gone to grab us some coffee cause you look shattered" Roman told me sitting infront of me
"You do have 3 sugars right" he asked I smiled
"Yeah, it's Randy that has 2" I told him.
"You know he's gonna be alright" Roman said
"Yeah I know, it's just he's been round me for so long, I know he'll be out of action for a while it's just getting used to it" I explained Roman nodded
"Just dont start crying" he told me I rolled my eyes
"Me? Never" I Replied giggling
"That's the Raven I know, the giggly one" Seth said from behind passing me and Roman our coffee.
"I spoke to the doctor on the way, he said he'll tell Randy we are here, and he can decide who he wants to see" Seth explained. I know it was supposed to calm me down but it did the opposite.
"What if he doesn't want to see me? What if he's mad at me?" I asked mumbled
"Ra, it's gonna be alright, he's got no reason to be mad" Seth explained I nodded and took a sip of my coffee
"Ouch hot hot hot" I said fanning my mouth. Roman and Seth just laughed at me.

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