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I got changed into my pjs and lay in bed. Then I got a text of Brock
Brockie: hi sky
Me: hi brockie
Brockie: does Paul like u?
Me: I don't think so
Brockie: shame anyway I don't think Seth likes me
Me- he's being like my bro rn over protective
Brockie- okay good night
Me- night
End of convo
I smiled and put my phone on charge
"Who was that" Seth asked
"Brock" I replied Seth just rolled his eyes. But then took his top off. My eyes nearly popped out
"Like what u see" he asked. I looked at the ceiling hiding my embarrassment.
"Your cute when your embarrassed" he said making me blush
"Stop" I yelled throwing a pillow at him
"Cause that hurt didn't it" he said throwing it at me hard
"Ouch" I yelled he burst out laughing
"Stop" I yelled jumping on him hitting me with a pillow. I didn't realise I was straddling him until
"Sky your ya know" Seth said I looked at the position and got off him
"U pair are a bunch of kids" Roman said carrying Dean in by his ear
"your hurting me Roman" Dean complained
"U sound like Seth" I said
"No he sounds like u when I hit you with the pillow" Seth said. I punched his stomach
"That was close" Roman said and the threw Dean across the room
"Don't worry about me I'm a rag doll" Dean yelled getting up
"You my rag doll Dean" I said and he blushed
"Is little Ambrose blushing" Roman teased then Dean speared him
"I didn't know u could spear" Seth said surprised
"It hurts 2" roman said on the floor in pain. I couldn't help but laugh.
"Little Roman in pain" Dean mimicked making Seth laugh. Man that laugh tho.
"I'm going to sleep" I said cuddling up to Seth. Then darkness came over me.....

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