Free ride

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I felt myself being picked up and carried. We was probably at the hotel.
"Reservation under Lopez" Seth said A/N Seths real name is Colby Lopez
"Yeah room 340" a woman said
"Can u get the luggage" Seth asked.
"Seth" I said opening my eyes
"Hello beautiful" he said carrying me into the lift. Brock followed with our luggage. I don't think Seth remembered I can walk. But I ain't complaining. FREE RIDE. Seth carried me out of the lift and ran down the hall with me
"AHH SETH" I yelled. I looked back to see Brock running after us with the luggage.
"Here" Seth said opening the door and throwing me onto the bed. Brock laughed when he walked in
"Thx Brock" I said
"No problem mini beast" he said walking out. Seth closed the door and laid next to me.
"U still tried princess" he said I nodded and cuddled up to him before falling asleep. AGAIN. 3 naps in one day what a record. Guess my sleep pattern is messed up now.

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