Chapter 10: Raquelle

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~Karina's POV~
He got up and cursed under his breath. Then he ran off. I looked at the tree, it had a small trace of blood on it. When I looked closer in tiny print I saw words. Karina, Katrina, you're next.

Sprinting home, I was afraid. What did it mean, we were next? When I reached my house, I ran straight up to my loft. I reached into a little space Nathan accidently forgot to fill in when building the house. It was like a secret compartment. I then pulled out my bear. Before the fire, I had the softest teddy bear. After the fire it was the only thing that wasn't damaged. I never told anyone I had it. Even though I was 14 years old, I always held it when I was afraid. I held it tight, then I took out my sketchbook. I slowly sketched my mother, father, Korisa, and my bear. Just in case. My parents were slowly fading away from my mind. Quickly I sketched my father's eyes full of excitement, my mother's kind eyes and warm hands, and Korisa looking
idiotic. Before I knew it, it was night. Katrina wasn't home. Where was she? I went outside, nope she wasn't there. I was so scared. She wasn't home, and it was almost 9. I took my cloak and ran around looking for her.
"Katrina!" I called. "Katrina!" I yelled until my voice was hoarse. Soon it became so dark that you couldn't see anything. I trudged home, worried and afraid of what I would find the next day. As I got home, I heard a voice. Arkin. His black hair blended into the night. I saw him poking around the house.
"Arkin!" I screamed. He looked at me astonished. "Get away from my house!" I ran up to him. Then I punched and scratched him in the ribs and face. Hard.
"What are you doing here?" I spat. He looked at me. His face bloody from the punch. I pushed him to the ground and pointed my knife at his chest. 

~Katrina's POV~
I hang out with Favin and the spirits for the day. We talk about their lives and play games. During dinner, the spirits cook us the most delicious meal I have had in months-Lamb stew, Mashed potatoes, asparagus, chicken wings-and for dessert, some delectable mango pudding. When I finish eating, I feel stuffed, and know it's time to head back home to Karina.
I wave good-bye to Favin, and the doors of the exit of the laboratory open. I expect to walk out to hear the howl of wolves, and see the glistening stars and the beautiful, bright, full moon outside. But when I walk out, I hear shewa shewa shewa. The sound of rain fills my ears. When I peek out from behind the waterfall, I see the sky filled with dark clouds. Rain pours onto the grass and rocks. Favin steps behind me and I turn around. Karina must be worried sick.
"Well, I guess you must stay with me tonight. Come, we have a sleeping bag in the storage room," Favin says, placing a hand on my shoulder as we walk back into the lab.

I lay in the blue sleeping bag, looking up at the bedroom ceiling. The soul spirits sleep inside their tubes. As I look up, I wonder to myself. Who could that person that looks like me be? Why would they want the power of the soul spirits? As I was thinking, a loud thud came  from the top of the cave. Thud thud thud. I could hear whispers inside the spirit's room. Then mini petite spirit screams. They were so quiet. I leaped out of my sleeping bag and rushed into the lab to find the spirits huddled in the corner of the room near the 8th tube, A person with a black cloak on moving towards them with their hands raised. I could see some kind of electricity-no, magic form in her hands. It was white, and sizzled and crackled. I rush back into the bedroom, and soon go back to the lab, except with my bow and a quiver full of arrows with me.
"Stop!" I scream, pointing the arrow at their chest. They turn around, and a spirit pulls off the hood. I gasp. She looks... just like me. The same hazel hair in a braid, the same green eyes. She had the same skin as mine, only the slightest bit paler.
"W-who are you?" I ask her.
"I'm Raquelle, keeper of the lost souls. Please, don't be afraid of me. I'm an ally of yours. A friend," Raquelle tells me, holding out a hand. But I keep my aim, and get a glimpse at the soul spirits. The voice comes back. Don't trust her... she's not safe... then I know who the voice belongs to. It had to be Determination. The soul spirits had all though I was Raquelle. But I wasn't. They knew that I was nice now. Not an enemy. A friend. Now Determination was using his power to his advantage. Raquelle is still holding her hand out.
"No!" I shriek, and shoot and arrow at her shoulder. She disappears, but part of my arrow does hit her before she does, leaving some blotches of blood on the floor where she was. I look around the lab and try to retrace her. I can't find her. Only me and the soul spirits. I think she's gone until I hear her laugh. It's faint, and sounds so... mysterious. Nothing like mine. I look at the spirits for help. Determination looks at me, the starts to glow a bright red. A red heart-It looks like a really shiny plastic-like thing-very smooth, slowly glides to me. It leaves red sparkles behind it as it glides through the dark lab. I want to back away, but I hear his voice. Take it. And I let it push into my soul, and before I know it, I'm surrounded with a glowing red light.

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