PROLOGUE, PART 1: The brothers

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"Nathan, you have no respect for ME, or for ANYONE! You don't deserve to be ALIVE!" Hunter yelled at Nathan. A mob of angry people ran after the two brothers with torches and pitchforks in hand.

"Well, brother, if it weren't for you, then OUR FAMILY WOULD STILL BE LIVING A HAPPY LIFE WITHOUT ANY COLLEGE DROP-OUTS!" Nathan shouted to Hunter. He tried to make his voice loud and clear over the mob.

It was a cold day, and having to flee from their own home town wasn't quite the most enjoyable day for the two brothers. Nathan, the brother that was always on his best behavior, and Hunter, the gambler. Hunter had caused so much drama that their family had been forced to either be enslaved until they paid back all the people Hunter had taken money from and never repaid, or flee from their home.

But of course, this was all before they had met Karina and Katrina Everfree...

Hey, BTW before you keep reading, I would also like to give credit to my friend Crystal_Gague for helping me by writing Karina's part! Thanks!

Everfree 2 is being worked on right now! We have a few parts out already!

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