I see my mom sitting on a bench outside the house since she or anyone can be inside the house now, since it is destroyed. She runs to me and hugs me, she kisses me all over my face. "My baby girl, I was so worried about you" she says between kisses, I really did miss her and I this day went by really fast. I guess I was in the ocean a lot longer than I thought. She has tears running down her face which is making me cry but I have to stay strong and hold them in. I try as hard as I can but I fail myself and tears run down my cheeks as well. We stand there hugging and crying. This reminds me of when I was young. Every time I had a nightmare she would hug me just like this and sing me a lullaby that I would always sleep to. I remember it by heart.

Into the sea
Pull you close to me
Slide 'neath the waves
Down into the caves
Kiss me my love
Come rest in my arms
Dream your dreams with me
Slide beneath the sea
Come to me my love
Forgot the land above
Slide 'neath the waves
Down into the caves.

Wait this song reminds me of the ocean. Is that the reason she sang this to me? Did she know that I would be this queen of the ocean thingy? "Mom?" I ask her, still in her arms. Begin like this makes me forget every crazy thing that happened these past weeks. Where my life was normal, it wasn't perfect but I liked it just the way it was and sometimes it scares me that I will never get it back but on the other hand, if I would have my life the way it was I would never have met Jason and I would never have fallen in love with him. That is something that I will never regret, my old life wasn't perfect but this isn't either. It may not be everything that I wished it would be but I met Jason and when I have him by my side I am happy. The happiest girl in all the world. "Yes?" She asks calmly.

It makes me wonder if she lied about knowing that I am this queen, I hope not. Maybe she just picked this song completely random, maybe not. I have no idea what to believe anymore there are so many things in my life that I need to question or I would get hurt but the truth and I have been hurt enough so it is better to question then to take a chance. "Where did you learn the lullaby that you sang to me when I was little?" I ask her and I feel my self getting nervous but I ignore tat feeling. I need to get use to this whole begin brave thingy, it make take a little time but I will get there one day. She breaks the hug and looks at me, she sighs. "Emma I never learned on my own" she says, all right that makes me very confused.

I ask again, why doesn't everyone just tell me everything right away instead of begin with all of that mystery? That I somehow need to figure out myself. I don't really like mystery, like everyone have figured it out except for me. I may not be the smartest person here but I know more than you think. Everyone think I am this helpless little girl that needs saving and protection but I must show everyone that, the person they think I am is not who I truly am. I know I am making a big deal of this but who cares? The first step to that direction is to solve all of these mysteries that everyone is throwing at me. All right I must become detective Emma, and my job is to figure out what my mom meant. She said that she didn't learn it on her own, what does that even mean?

She did not make it, she just sang it to me. If she didn't make it that means someone else showed her or thought her that song, but who? I think I have solved half of this riddle, the only part I haven't solved is who told my mom to sing this song. I do have a list of suspects of who could have been responsible for teaching my mom that lullaby. The first person on the list is my birth mother or the internet. It's not really a good list but at least I am getting somewhere with this. I think that I need help with this, I have given up on solving this on my own, but I can promise you that I will solve the next riddle that comes at me. "Then who thought you it?" I ask her, after given up on solving this on my own, who knew that riddles can be this had work? Not me at least.

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