~5~ Muffin and the London eye

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Chapter 5 – Muffin and the London eye

The rest of the date went really well after we had our main course, John even treated us to a dessert even though I felt stuff from the roast dinner I still managed to squeeze one in.

He took us home at about 9ish and I was tired but not tired enough to go straight to sleep so my mother and I stayed up and watched the rest of grown-ups 2 before we went to bed.

It’s about 10:30 on a Saturday morning and I’m surprised I’m up awake and just got out the bathroom from doing my morning business. I would be going out with Cameron today for a change of scenery where we would be friends hanging out on a normal day.

I knew he had a thing for me but Lauren said he was like that with all girls and not to get to attached I took what she said in and promised her I wouldn’t but what can I say,  he is an attractive young boy.

It had brightened up today so I thought I would wear my American Apollo underwear (Joking guys it’s a song) I mean my jeggings and a white strapped top with a pink jumper with tiny holes in it with a pair of cream flats. I curled my hair and did my make-up.

I made my way down the stairs smiling walking into the kitchen, “Good morning smiler” My mum says.

"Why, good morning too you” I say in a posh voice. She laughs at my inconvenience.

“Are you alright” she asks.

“Yes, fabulous actually” I say.

“Why what’s the occasion” she says.

“Just come off my period” I say keeping in the smile.

“Chloe” she says raising her voice.

"Jokes mum, I’m going out with one of the boys from school for lunch and coffee” I say to her. She gives me the eyebrow.

“Chill Mum he’s just a friend, anyway got my eye on someone else” I say winking at her making her laugh again.

“So what’s his name, the boy you’re going out with today?”

“Cameron” I say pouring the water from the kettle into the cup.

“Seems nice enough” my mum says.

“You have just heard his name mum, calm down” I say taking the tea bag out of the cup and pouring the milk in.

“I know but I like the name Cameron”

“That doesn’t mean anything but he is a nice boy, cheeky but nice” I say.

“Well then what time you going out?” she asks.

“Around 11:45”

“Would you like a lift?” she asks.

“Yeah that would be nice, by Starbucks on Central Street”

“Yeah okay then, I’ll go get dressed and dolled up then” she says.

“What for you’re only dropping me off” I say.

“Then I’m going out with John” she says smiling.

“Ooo well okay then” I say drinking my tea and getting out my phone that has just vibrated.

Hey, see you in 45minutes cutie – Cam x

Hey, okay then – Chloe x

I walk into the living room and turned on the telly, I sat down with my tea and flicked through the channels.

The Pacifica was on so I sat there watching it laughing at the funny parts until my mum came down asking what I was laughing at so much I pointed to the telly, The Pacifica.

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