~1~ Dirty Blonde Shaggy Hair

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Chapter 1~ Dirty Blonde Shaggy Hair

  My mum drops me off outside the gates to the school trying not to draw much attention on me but that’s not possible because it’s a school where everyone knows pretty much everyone.

I walk through the gates of the school waving bye to my mother, she toots her horn and speeds off to work. The hospital, she’s a nurse with quite a high level so I think it’s a senior nurse.

  As I’m walking across the yard to the main building I get looks from the girls and the boys. Looks like who the hell is that girl and oh god not another newcomer. I’m not used to it admittedly it scares the living day light out of me so I speed up to the main building and end up walking into the door that says pull.

What a great way to show yourself up Chloe. The voice inside my head says.

  I walk through the halls looking for a sign that says main office or reception, the kids are looking at me just the same as the other ones were outside I try and ignore them. Even the couples along the lockers break apart from each other when they see me roaming the corridor.

Finally I see a sign that says pupil reception and go through the double doors.

“Hi, I’m Chloe Hart and it’s my first day here and I was just wondering where I go?” I ask the lady behind the desk.

  “Ah, Chloe we have your timetable here and your diary record for your homework which has a map in there too, also your uniform that your going have to change into sorry” the lady says.

“Oh, thank-you” I say as she hands me all the stuff and realized that I would have to change into uniform as I was only wearing a skirt and a blouse with tights and black flats.

  I go over to the chair and put my timetable and my diary in my bag with my uniform too. “Sorry, miss can I have your name” I ask her.

“Yes, I am Miss.Jenkins if you need anything today or anytime I will be here to help” she says smiling.

“Thank-you, what direction are the toilets?” I ask her.

“Go out of these double doors and down the hall and you will see a sign saying toilets” she says.

“Thanks again” I say.

"No problem” she says.

  I walk out of the double doors and down the hall to where it says toilets, girls on one side boys on the other. I walk into the toilets there are girls putting on make-up and checking their hair in the mirror.

  I walk over to a cubicle and close it with the lock. I get changed into the uniform she gives me, feels weird putting it on because it’s a polo top and I normally wear blouses for school.

  I put the jumper in my bag and put my black cardigan on, I keep my skirt on but just pull it down a bit so it’s by the school rules. I open the cubicle door and walk out putting my bag over my shoulder.

  I smile at the girls in the toilet and walk out. I pull out my timetable and the map out of my bag and check what lesson I have first. I have English my first lesson, it’s in room 26 and the teacher is Mrs.Jones.

I check the map if it’s correct it should be up the hall and then it’s up the stairs by pupil reception and along the corridor. The bell goes so I make my way English with the other kids running and strolling to their lessons chatting endlessly about what they did on the weekend.

I like English it has been my favourite subject since I was in primary school and has been since. So I walk to English on my own, I didn’t really mind being on my own not really a people person anyway, I use to have friends when I was in my other schools but we kept to ourselves.

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