~3~ Kiss and a Compliment

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Chapter 3 - Kiss and a Compliment

Couple of days passed and it was now Friday, finally! Over the last few days I have made a couple of new friends and enemies. I’m just not sure what category Cameron comes into right at this minute.

He’s been driving me mad all week, tripping me up all day Wednesday whenever he would see me. Poking me all day Thursday I wonder what today will be like.

The last 2 days have been really nice outside, warm and calm then today I wake up to rain battering my window. What have I done to deserve this? I rolled out of my bed stopping myself from actually falling off and then making my way to the bathroom.

I have a quick shower to wake me up because just because it’s dull outside doesn’t have to make me dull too.  I get dressed, I put my trousers on today and throw my skirt in the washing basket. I put on my polo top and tuck it into my trousers and then sit down to dry my hair and then straighten it, I never really straighten it but I had the time considering its only 6:45 because the rain woke me up earlier than usual.

I make sure I straighten every part of my hair and put a bobble in it just so I can put my make up on. I put on my make up trying to make it perfect and taking my time as I have got plenty of it.

I put my music on low enough so only I can hear it and sing along really quietly too so I don’t wake any neighbours with my terrible singing earlier in the morning. By the time I finish with my make-up it’s about 7 o’clock so I look at my timetable and I have a half day of History then Maths. Lovely.

I grab my bag and put it on my shoulder slip on my shoes turning off the music and make my way downstairs, I hear the water running in the bathroom and gathered my mum was in the shower. 

Once I’m downstairs I throw my bag on the chair in the living room and walk into the kitchen and make myself a cup of tea and put some bread in the toaster. I also get a cup out for my mum and once my toast pops up I butter them and put another 2 pieces of bread in the toaster for my mother.

She comes into the kitchen with her hair in a towel dressed in her blue overalls and blue cotton trousers, oh the joys of being a nurse she must think. “Morning Hunny” she says.

“Good Morning” I say in a cheery voice.

“Someone is happy this morning, even though outside doesn’t seem quite lively” she says.

“Yeh, well I woke up early for some reason so I thought I would get a shower and straighten my hair put some make up on for the day” I say feeling happy with myself.

“Well good on you, do you want to go out for dinner tonight?” she asks me

“Just us two?” I ask her.

“Yeah and this guy from work” she says.

“What guy?” I ask since she hasn’t mentioned anyone all week or anyone since my dad died when I was younger, she never dated anyone I always thought it was for my sake.

We went out for meals and picnics it would always be us even when men would chat her up in the restaurants or when we were at the park. In north London there were plenty of handsome men she could of met and I would have had a fatherly figure in my life but I always had my mum by my side ever since.

“John Green” she says after a while. “We have been talking a lot on Facebook over the past couple of weeks even before we moved here, he is kind of the person that got me the job in the hospital south of London.

“Oh right, well I don’t see why not” I say smiling at her. Of course I said that for her sake but I wanted to know more.

 “So what does he do then” I say pouring the hot water into my cup and my mothers.

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