~11~ Forgive and Forget

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Chapter 11 ~ Forgive and Forget

The day went on smoothly as it would normally, Maths and English in the moring and double art in the afternoon. English I share with Lena and Micheal sitting behind us, I could feel his stare at the back of my neck and it would give me the shivers.

Maths was fun! (Note the sarcasm) I was sat around the table with Lauren, Lena and couple of the other girls like normal but with Camerons forgiving glances from across the room kind of made my heart sink. I brushed it off.

By the end of the day I had enough off both of them so as I was at my locker at the end of the day getting books for homework and putting books away. I heard footsteps. I turned around and I saw both Micheal and Cameron walking up to me.

"Yes, boys" I said once they reached me.

"I wanted to sa-y" they both said at the same time until they noticed they were speaking at the same time. They looked at each other with annoyed faces.

"What did you want to say?" I asked them.

"Well, I'm sure you have had enough of us saying sorry" Micheal said.


"So we, well I know I wanted to say can we stop this fighting and all get on" Cameron said.

"I'm not the one fighting over myself Cam, its you to twats" I laughed.

Micheal and Cameron smiled. "Your right" Micheal said. "I'm sure we will but your an attractive girl with a brillant sense of humor, I mean who wouldnt like you"

I blushed, "Thanks Micheal"

"I also seconds what he said" Cameron buttted in.

"Well your not gonna win me over by compliments" I said and walked away.

I walked to where Lena and Lauren were and we walked out the school as the bell went signalling the end of the day.

"So what was all that about?" Lauren asked.

"They were calling a truce but it ended up in Micheal getting to say a compliment, so there isn't really one and they will still try to fight for me" I said. "See me, I play hard to get!" I laughed.

The girls laughed with me as we walked out the school gates.


Couple of months had passed and both Micheal and Cameron tried to get my attention. I didn't rise to it and let it slide but dont get me wrong I went out on dates with both of them.

Cameron took me to the cinema and a restaurant one Saturday and then the next Micheal took me shopping and told me to buy anything I wanted. As a girl I wanted a lot of things but I didn't let him buy it for me. I got a pair of converse and a couple of seasonal tops.

I went out with the girls during the spring break and had sleepovers, ate ice cream when Lauren had a break from Joey. Even though it was just a break she cried like a big baby. Never been in a long based relationship with someone you dont know how she would feel.

Exam season had come and gone. We were nearing the end of school, people were getting teary I wasn't. I was getting happy even though I had only been in this school for a year. I knew what I wanted to do in my life. I wanted to help children have a good life and I wanted to become a social worker.

I was starting a care traineeship soon and not really having a summer I wanted but I will be earning money. I will have the weekends to spend with my friends. Prom was also approaching and I was ready, had everything sorted.

-A week later-

I was going to prom with Cameron since he asked first and Micheal was going with Lena. We are renting a limo, Cameron and I, Micheal and Lena also Lauren and Joey made up and got back together so they are coming with us.

I had a royal blue dress with silver straps which was really long so I had to get while heels and a matching white and silver clutch bag. Cameron had bought a black suit and royal blue tie. Lauren had a gourgous navy blue dress and Lena had a black mermaid dress, they both looked outstanding.

We got to prom and had a brillant time all sitting around the table and going up to dance on the dance floor and I have got to say Cameron can throw some moves. I don't think I have laughed so much.

Hi, everyone hope you enjoyed this chapter and makes up for being gone for 7 months. Without having my laptop I have done this from memory so hopefully it was worth the read.

Enjoy your summer guys as I start work next week :( 

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