Chapter 11

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Hey guys. So i finally have it. I know you guys will probably get mad at me for how short it is compared to the others and How i usually write and how its barly nothing for suc a long wait. Even i feel bad its like this w.e.Well im sorry and it'll get bttr especialy once this school year ends. So enjoy


I see a redish pink enviroment with a little oasis,were i'm standing, in the middle and a jungle like scenario surrounding it. Then i turn around and notice my child with a spear threw her head and her murder behind her. I immeadtly search my back for bows and arrows as if it was my sixth sense but there is nothing. I fell on my knees crying my eyes out screaming for my daughter to come back to life but she wouldn't respond. Then i gathered all my good emotions i had left inside of me an sang her "deep in the medeow". The exact same song i would sing to my actualy sister primrose and when i sang rue to death. I began once i was ablero contain my tears

"deep in the meadow,under a willow

A bed of grass, a soft green pillow

Lay down your head, and close our eyes

And when they open, the sun will rise

Here it's safe,here it's warm

Here the daises gaurd you from every harm

Here your dreams are sweet and tommorow brings them true

Here is the place were i love you"

I sang until i heard my name being repated over and over with an eerie tone towards it. My head instanty turned to were the sound was coming from but nothing was there so i turned back around to face my dead daughter. When i did she had dissapered and i just threw a fit. But i stop when i hear whatever was repeatin my name getting closer.

The mutts came out of my junlge and i relized there the same mutts that tried killing me in the capitol's sewer during the rebelion. I got up and ran the other direction were i ended up finding a cornucopia with bows and arrows, axes,tridents,knifes. Any wepon i could think of so i got my bows and arrows and notices they had three diffrent type of arrows with colored tips to signify wich one is which. I relize these are the ones beete made for me when i was the mockigjay for the war. One arrow is explosive, the other is normal, and the last ones are fire.

Once there in my grasped i start shooting the fire ones when i relize what the mutts are holding and why there in a circle formation. In the middle is gale with my sister, prim, holding a knife to her throut and a gun pointed at her head. The mutts are carying finnick and a peeta that is prepared to kill me. At these conditions i dropped my bows and arrows and strted crying a river. Then the mutts got face to face with me and oppend there circle to show gale killin prim. I was yeeling here name several times. Yelling and cursing at gale to stop. But he wouldnt.

While gale was killing her finnick was being ripped up slowly an being endulged buy the mutts slowy so they could enjoy his taste. And peeta was released ar me to hold me down and watch all of the murders. When they were done prims head was bleeding uncontrolably and i was screemin her name at the top of my lungs and with finnick ... I just couldnt bare to think of it. After a while peeta charged at me saying my name mysteriously over and over. With every step getting louder. And when it was the loudest i snapt back to reality were my sweet peeta was actualy calling my name to stop the nightmare.

I find myself sweating and crying at the same time. Peeta just puts me upright and then just tells me soothing words into my ear. When i was able to calm down he gave me a long kiss that i also returned. Then he relesead because he was out of breath and he wanted me to tell him my nightmare since it always helps me tellig someone.

The Mellark Family, the first child -KDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora