Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 💍

As days come and go i am getting closer to my due date. I count them down as we go flying past the days. Each day seeming very cool, some days are so mellow that not even haymith and effie argue for long period of times. It suprises me that the closer we get to the day that we are gonna have a new family member the closer we all get with each other.

Days would go by like my second day in here with peeta. Once a week my mother would come to this beach house and check up on me as my belly got bigger and the baby would naturaly prepare it's self to come out of me. Every time she vists becomes less painful as i have peeta next to me. With peeta at my side and the calming brezes of the beach,practicaly doing therapy on peeta and i, we don't even notice that today is the day im supposed to give birth. The momment we notice is when my water brakes and i start having contractions.

During this momment effie immidatly calls my mother to tell her im havin contractions and we were on our way to the hospital and haymitch calls a car to take us to the hospital my mother works in. Johana is preparing the stuff we are gonna need in the hospital while annie puts finnick to sleep so she can help me during this painful time since she has already been past it. Peeta is handeling this situation like a real man because i can see no matter how much physical pain i can put his hand into he won't let me go until i feel better and we have rue primrose mellark in our hands. Seeming like today was a drill we knew like the back of our heads the transporation was at the door, the luggage was in the car and we all took our positions and we arrived at the hospital before we can think about .... Anythin in general.

Every nurse and docter at the hospital knows me because apprently my mother talks a lot about me. I can belive that because my father died when i was around 11 and prim just passed a few years ago and i know she wouldn't like to talk about anything else other than her last family member. Since everyone knows me im briskly put into a wheelchair and taken to the room that has been prepared for me. According to my mother since everythin is going planned i will be giving natural birth. For this reson i get to be in this on room all the time.

When i finally enter the room i notice that it is one incribly huge room that is for this new family of ours. There is one larg bed in the middle with a computer to the right of it. The computer im guessing is so the nurse can moniter the contractions i will be having. The whole room is painted pink, apprently it is like this because they know i will be having a baby girl. On each side of the room there is a window, im in the first floor so i get to have this privilage instead of having one or no window at all. Passed the windows i see a bunch of trees that remind me of my medows back home but i shake that thought away from me because i want to focus on this baby at this point. On my left side of the bed i will be lying for a couple of hours or days, who knows how long this will take, is a chair that rocks gently but you can lock it so you can also recline back in it or just sit as to you please uet it looked uncomfertable for some reson. Finally, there is a large telivision set infront of the bed that very flat and is hanging of the wall.

As i lay down i feel a major contraction coming on so my mother an her assintants quicly hurry to connect me to the computer so they can moniter the contractions. " katniss, according to you contraction we can make a very clear hypothisis that the baby will be ready to come in about 3 hours." my mother says in her normal tone. When i turn around to look at peeta, his faciel exprsions shows everything he is feeling. Love, excitment, happines, relief, and anxciety. " 3 more hours and we will be parents with something else to look foward to other than eachother" peeta says in a very excited voice as he leans in for a kiss that felt like my body's adreniline is leeping from place to place like a frog leeping from lilly pad to lilly pad.

The minutes go by feeling like eternity compare to how that month flew. Every cotraction getting more and more painful, peeta's hand becoming more and more red. Everytime a contrction hits peeta stands and brushes my hair from my face away and tells me to breathe in and out deeply. The more painul it gets the more i feel myself digging into my brain's memmory trying to find a plesant momment.

The Mellark Family, the first child -KKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat