Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

I stood with father guarding the front of the auditorium while Yagari went towards the Academy's entrance to guard over there.

We sensed it...we all did...

Level Es are about to trespass this Academy. We can't and will not let anyone of them pass this line.

Rido has already awakened, snickering at our actions, waiting to appear before us for the final battle.

Zero..still in the isolation room...suffering due to the boiling of his blood. He tried to stay calm by remembering me, but a new presence has caused to react.

As for Yuki, she's ready to join the battle along with her own companions.

"It's time...Father..", I spoke.

Father nodded, "I know."

Sensing an unpleasant presence, we held our weapons and went into fighting stances.

Father's eyes narrowed, "May we help you, Association President?"

"Those are very dangerous weapons you have there. I thought, Kaien, that you vowed never to use that weapon again," President replied.

"I'll do whatever is necessary to protect my students," Father replied, with a serious look in his eyes.

"All I want is for you to hand Zero Kiryu over to us."

Our eyes widened and father and I both gasped at his words.

We got into a stance ready to attack.

"Sorry. We can't let you do that!", I yelled.

"Fine then," President unleashed blades from his fan as Father and I blocked them with our weapons.

Father raised his sword and plunged it to the ground creating an attack on the ground which President happily avoided by jumping into the air.

I, on the other hand, hit three blades with my Rod towards President, which he blocked with his fan.

"That was very foolish. You just wasted your last chance. Now say hello to hell." With that, President disappeared.

"Sorry, but I'll decide my own fate," I looked at Father with a proud smile as he said that. Father noticed me and smiled back.



Zero found Ichiru before him.

A shot was heard, but I didn't hear it. It was too distant for me to hear.

I couldn't even sense anything....there was a familiar scent of blood that I smelled...But, that smell was a bit fuzzy to know.

I believed in Zero, so I believe that he is okay.

However, I did sense another smell of blood which was again fuzzy to know.

They were both alike.

I closed my eyes as I stood before the auditorium doors while Father watched the students. "It's time...isn't it Zero....where you and Ichiru......"

Ichiru fell to his knees, begging Zero to drink his blood.

To be one...again...

Zero resisted, but since Ichiru sacrificed his life towards Rido for Shizuka's revenge, drinking his blood is the only way to end his suffering.

"Zero....I want you to devour what remains of my life..."

"What are you saying?"

"You already know..if you devour me, you can regain the powers you were meant to have at birth. Then you'll be able to control yourself. You can control those urges."

"I won't! I can't do something like that!"

" was meant to be...why do you think I shot you with the Bloody Rose? You have to, Zero..."

"I won't do it! Please don't die! I don't want to lose anybody else!"

"Hearing that makes me so happy...I thought I was already dead to you..."

"Maria wanted to see you as well..."

"She did, huh?"

"Father and Mother...they watched over you too..and they did love you. I promise!"

"I don't have to forgive Shizuka, "Ichiru reached into his pocket. "But don't hold a grudge against her. Shizuka...she truly cherished me...I know she did...That's why..I don't regret what's happened to me. I'm soon..."

"Ichiru...", Zero closed his eyes and clenched his teeth. "I can't do this it's wrong!"

"Is it really?", Ichiru's grip on Zero's shirt grew tighter, "If that's what you truly believe, then live! Live Zero! Do what I cannot! LIVE ZERO!"

Zero's eyes shot up.


Suddenly, images of me appeared in Zero's mind.

When I trained with him....when I took care of his bleeding wound that night.....when he made that rare smile towards me....when I gave him a brownie in the bathroom...when he bit me for the first time...when I stopped him from leaving...protected him from Master...when I made that promise to kill him with the gun...when Zero took my hands in his from behind my back....when he hugged me for the first time...when he almost kissed me...when he adored the way I looked at the soiree....when we both said we would move forward together....when I cried before him for the first time...when we hugged again..

He would just live for Ichiru......but he live for me as well......

"Soon....I will be one with Zero again....", Ichiru dropped Shizuka's bell out of his hand.

Zero was shocked as he screamed, "ICHIRU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


After taking a moment to calm down, tears fell from Zero's eyes as he leaned towards Ichiru's neck and pierced his fangs within his skin, drinking his blood.

After Zero devoured Ichiru, he broke out of the isolation room with his power and walked outside.


Yuki ran and ran and ran until she reached where I was.

I immediately sensed her presence as she had the other Night Class students behind her.

I put up my guard immediately and stood strong with my hatred shining within my eyes, "Yuki Kuran....what are you doing here?"

Yuki put up her guard as well as she has slightly calmer eyes than I did. "I need listen to me, Sophia...."


I'll also show you a sweet dream next night.

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