Chapter Four

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Chapter Four 

"I want to show you something," Senri's uncle told him as they both approached a hidden room. 

"I don't like this. What is it?", Senri replied.

"You're no longer a child. So as a member of the Shiki family, you have a duty to know."

Doors opened revealing a container filled with blood and a tub filled with blood.

"The secret I have worked so hard to conceal. I've been protecting him. Take a look, this is your father."

Senri was surprised, "I thought he was dead. This is gross."

Suddenly, the body popped out of the tub and Senri's father was in front of him, dripping with blood. "My dear son, Senri."

Senri froze as he didn't know what to do, and he felt himself go off into a trance.

"I am in need of your strength," his father yelled as he unleashed his power, taking over Senri's frozen body.

Kaname sensed it, knowing he made his first move. Everyone had to go back to the Academy.

Another game is about to start...


"Do you think my heart will grow stronger if I become a vampire?" 

What I said was terrible.., Yuki thought as she laid on her bed in her room, looking at the ceiling. Zero and Sophia have been struggling so hard to protect me because of the decisions I make. 

She sat up and looked through her window, at the empty campus and the night sky, "Everyone has left..gone back to their homes... to their real parents. She looked down, "Somewhere in my heart..there's an uneasiness when I try to remember my past. Did my parents abandon me? Who am I really?" 

She exhaled and got out of bed, making her way towards the kitchen, curious to know what was going on.

She smelled something nice and looked at the kitchen.

"Oh Yuki! DInner's gonna be ready in a minute so go take a bath now if you want," father spoke with a smile as Zero and I looked at her.

She made a smile that I knew was forced and left the area.

Zero and I looked at each other worried eyes as father noticed, "You two."

We looked at father, snapping out of our trance, "Is something wrong?", father continued.

Zero and I shook our heads, "Nothing father," I replied.

He smiled, "If something is wrong, don't hesitate to tell me alright?"

I nodded as Zero and I just went back to helping father with the cooking.


"I wonder when I stopped having those terrifying nights.." Yuki continued to think to herself as she was taking a bath. "Oh of course....Sophia always made me fall asleep when I couldn't sleep at all due to my nightmares. I told her I had nightmares and she happily chose to take care of me. She would tell stories or even sing a lullaby that we both knew was cheesy, but it helped me. That's when I started to feel peace, thanks to her, I knew that everything was going to be alright." 

"We will never let that happen to you!"

"Instead of doing what they told, I just kept doing as I pleased and kept making them worry! I must remember! So I don't keep hurting Zero and Sophia! I must remember!" 

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