Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine 

Zero and I stood before the front doors as Yuki smirked.

Our weapons were in our hands, pointing towards the doors.

"Coming here to talk, you don't really think that'll make a difference, do you?", I asked with anger in my eyes.

Yuki had a straight face as she chose to hear us talk even though she was expecting this to happen.

"DIscussing things like turning humans into vampires...but of course you, transformed from a vampire into a human. On the other side of this door, we sense an arrogant Pureblood who does nothing but toy with people," Zero added.

Yuki smiled, "Yes...Zero...Sophia..I'm glad you understand. The Yuki you once gone..because...the Vampire Yuki completely devoured her."

"", I spoke with an angry tone.

She kept smiling as she turned and left the area.

I locked my Artemis and turned around, walking towards my bedroom.

"Sophia!", Zero yelled as he grabbed my wrist and I pulled his grip away."Sophia..."

"I'm sorry...I need to be alone for now....", I spoke softly as I left the room.

Zero chose to go to his own bedroom, so we both can calm our anger down.


I sat on the floor with my back against my bed.

I know Zero told me that I should move on. I believe I heart hurts so much...memories with her just keep flowing through my mind...

Her happy, cheery voice...makes me sick...

I placed my hands on my head as I tried to forget them.

"Vampires....", I spoke.


."...are selfish..", Zero spoke.

Zero sat on his bed, thinking the same things as me.

"Yuki is without a doubt the Pureblood daughter of the Kuran family...

"It's too late....", I spoke.

"The Yuki you once gone...."

We clenched our teeth as I started to tremble.


I continued to tremble even more as Zero yelled softly, "Just shut up!"

"The Vampire Yuki completely devoured her..."

"GO AWAY!", Zero yelled as he stood up and tried to maintain his balance. His eyes turned red as he started to breathe heavily. His tattoo glowing red.

I heard his voice, as I ran towards his bedroom, and ran inside, closing the door quietly.

"Zero...", I spoke softly.

"S...Sophia....", Zero replied as he started to calm down.

I stood, "Are you alright?"

He looked down as his eyes turned back to normal and his tattoo turned back to normal. "The memories...of her...."

"They're flooding back to you too?"

He nodded.

I clenched my fists as I finally cried.

Zero noticed as he gasped and tears that I have been holding, just streamed down my face.


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