Savior ~Draco Malfoy Oneshot~

Start from the beginning


"Oh, uh... I'm covering it up because I don't want it to get dusty and have spider webs on it while I'm at Hogwarts." I lied but she bought it because I never lie.


"You use it too much for it to get dusty, besides aren't you taking it with you?" She asked and I slapped my forhead.


"Duh! I totally forgot!"


Her eyebrows narrowed as she got suspicious. "Dinners ready, come eat with us when you're...done." She told me and I nodded.


I sighed after she left and uncovered my lab equipment. "Now to put these viles into a package..." I said softly to myself.


After I finished with that and securely put it away in my suitecase I went down stairs to join them for dinner. I quietly sat down and started my meal. It was to die for (not literally)!


"Nice of you to join us, Dani." Lucius said, already his dignity was depleating thanks to the Dark Lord.


I smiled at him happily. "Of course, Sir." I said politely and he smiled with a little more dignity. "Draco, are you ready for another year of Hogwarts?" I asked and he gave a disdained look.


"I'll just be happy when it's over..." She said and asked, "What about you?" It took me and his parents by surprise. Narcissa smiled with a knowingly look on her face.


"I think it'll be an interesting year." I said smiling and added, "Plus, I get to see all of my friends again."


"You mean Lovegood?" Draco said and I grinned.


"Yep!" I said excitedly. "But I think I may be a little bussy this year." I told them as we finished up dinner. "I'm going to go to bed, see you tomorrow?" I directed the question to Draco.


"Yes, night." With that said I hugged Narcissa, Lucius, and Draco and while hugging Lucius I kissed his cheek.




I smirked as I stood infront of Voldemort and his crew, the Malfoys included. I was a great actress, I truely was if I was fooling Voldemort right now.


"Your name." He commanded and my smirk only grew.


"I am Kassandra Blavatsky, my lord." I spoke with confidence and pride.


"Your are willing to serve me as your master?" He questioned in interest.


"Of course, my lord." I said flashing him a wicked smile.


"Good." He stated with a smirk then to his followers, "Leave us for a few moments."




I smirked as I opened the doors and stated, "Master has ordered for you to return to your duties. Malfoy, go home."

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