Artifact- Myka and Claudia: Dragon Pendant

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Myka and Claudia arrived together at Artie's office in the Warehouse. Artie looked up and said "Oh good. You're here. Ok. There have been reports of fires in New York City. During and after the fires, people have reported sightings of a flying fire breathing animal of some kind. Many have said it looked like a dragon. However when they try to look closer, it's gone."

"Thanks Artie!" Claudia said happily. Myka and Claudia flew to New York and when they left the airport, they followed fire trucks and sirens to an old Victorian house engulfed in flames. When they arrived there was a huge mob of people surrounding the emergency vehicle that had gotten there a minute earlier. Myka flashed her Secret Service badge and she and Claudia confronted the girl in the ambulance. She looked about 13 or 14.

"Hey, " Claudia said. "I'm Claudia, and this is Myka." She gesture to Myka who waved and smiled. "Could you tell us what happened?" The girl had an oxygen mask on but nodded and removed it.

"I was just sitting on my bed, reading. And then I heard a knock at the door. So I got up to see who was there, but when I opened the door, no one was there. When I turned back around, there were huge flames just, everywhere. I was so scared I almost passed out. I started panicking, trying to find my way out and then I saw an open window. There weren't any flames over there. So I climbed out and escaped." The girl finished her story and closed her eyes.

"Thank you, that was a big help. We have a few more questions to ask you if you don't mind. What's your name?" Myka asked.

"My name is Rachel." The girl said.

"Ok Rachel, now can you tell us if you saw anything strange when you escaped the fire? Maybe a new object you had never seen before or, a smell like fudge?" Rachel looked up when she heard "fudge" and Claudia and Myka looked at each other.

"Rachel?" Claudia said. "It may sound crazy to you, but it could really help us find out why this happened."

"Well, it was weird. But I did smell fudge, right before I turned around...I was alone and not baking anything so I didn't know what it could have been. I thought it was just my mind playing tricks on me." Rachel replied.

"Ok that's good that's really good. Could you show us where you escaped from?" Myka asked.

"The farthest window on the right side...there's no burn marks or anything." Rachel said.

"Thanks, Rachel. You've been a great help." Claudia said to Rachel. Myka and Claudia walked over to where Rachel said she had escaped and examined the window carefully. While there weren't any marks on the outside or even the inside of the window, there was a curious mark on the windowsill of the window.

"Hey, Claud...check this out." Myka pointed to a burn mark in the shape of a dragon. But it was very small. Myka pulled out her Farnsworth and called Artie. His black and white image appeared on a small circular screen.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Well hello to you too Mr. Grumpy Guss." Claudia replied.

"What do you mean? I'm always like this! What is it?" Artie said.

"There was a fire at this Victorian house and a girl was trapped inside." Myka answered.

"Oh god, what happened? Is she alright?" Artie asked sounding concerned.

"She's fine she made it out of the house. But by way of a window that seemed to be immune to the flames." Myka explained.

"And?" Artie prompted.

"Well, take a look at this." Claudia took the Farnsworth and turned it around so Artie could see the dragon mark.

"Oh my, that's defiantly something artifacty. It could be a pendent worn by Amata Therocia. The dragon pendant grows to a small size and is able to produce that of a real dragon. When placed down it shrinks back into a pendant and is fire resistant creating the burn mark the shape of the pendent itself." Artie explained.

"Ok thanks Artie." Claudia said. She shut the Farnsworth and turned to Myka. "We should talk to Rachel again and see if she saw anything like a dragon." Claudia said. The two walked back over to Rachel and the girl beamed when she saw them.

"Hi again! What's up?" She said cheerfully.

"Actually, Rachel, we have another question for you." Myka said. The girl nodded eagerly. "Ok, well this may sound insane but did you see anything flying around during the fire? A small creature, maybe? Rachel looked at Myka as if she had two heads.

"You mean, a dragon?" She asked matter-of-factly.

"Well, yeah..." Myka answered.

"Then, yes, I did. It was a dragon. A small one. About the size of a dragonfly only dragon shaped. After I escaped I figured who ever set that dragon free was responsible for it." Rachel explained. Myka and Claudia looked at Rachel with awe.

"Do you believe in dragons, Rachel? Do you believe in the impossible? In things that cause mysterious happenings and objects that have powers?" Myka asked Rachel.

"Well of course I do. Life wouldn't be any fun without mystery. I believe in dragons and tridents and legends."

"We think that's what caused the fire. Did you happen to see where the went? Or if somebody picked it up?"

"No, not really. But I did feel like there was someone around me and they were really upset..." Rachel said.

"Maybe the pendant is triggered by emotion," Claudia suggested.

"That would make sense. Because I didn't feel any emotion until after I had realised there was a fire. And then I saw the dragon by the window and it was flame free." Rachel said.

"Is there anyone who would want to hurt you or your family who lives here? Has there been anyone who got really angry recently?" Myka asked.

"Well, my parents had a fight, and left. That's why I was alone."

"Did they say where they were going?" Myka said.

"Dad's probably at "The Olympian's Nectar. That's where we always go whenever we're upset. It's about two blocks from here. I don't know where mom is. " Claudia and Myka thanked Rachel and started towards The Olympian's Necter. When they got inside, they noticed immediately that something was wrong.

Author's Note: Hey guys! Sorry for the way overdue update and the weird cliffhanger at the end of this chapter. The truth is, I need some help finishing it! Nothing is coming to me and believe me, it's just as frustrating for me to have to end this here as it is for you; but I really thought I should move on. If you have any suggestions please let me know, it would really mean a lot. Keep reading and stay filled with Endless Wonder!


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