Partner Swap Pt1

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Artie Neilson has updated his status: You guys are switching partners for a while. The regents want me to see how well you work with other people. This will happen twice. First Myka will work with Claudia and Pete you work with Steve.

Group Chat

Myka Bering has joined group chat

Myka: Artie, are you really sure that's a good idea? I can barley handle Pete do you think Steve will be able to?

Artie: Don't underestimate Steve's ability. He'll be fine.

Pete Lattimer has joined group chat.

Pete: Aw Mykes! I'm hurt!

Myka: Oh please Pete you mess around all the time.

Pete: Oh well in that case I'd think you'd be happy to switch partners.

Myka: I will admit it will be nice to have a change.

Claudia Donovan has joined group chat.

Claudia: Oh yeah I'm part of the A team now woohoo!

Steve Jinks has joined group chat.

Jinksy: Something is weird here. Why do the regents want us to switch all of a sudden?

Pete: Jinksy just embrace the Pete-ness. Just embrace it.

Jinksy: ohkay....

Myka: Looking forward to working with you Claud!

Claudia: Right back at ya Mykes!

Artie: And just in time we got two pings. Everyone meet in my office at the Warehouse.

Artie Nielsen has left group chat.

Myka Bering has left group chat.

Pete Lattimer has left group chat.

Claudia Donovan has left group chat.

Steve Jinks has left group chat.

Author's Note: Ok, so the next one isn't really going to be "chats" it's going to be more of a side story. This one will be Myka and Claudia's ping. The next one will be Pete and Steve's ping. Then this will repeat when the agents switch partners again. If it gets confusing please please let me know. Add ideas, ask questions, even criticize if it's really bothering you! Also, every now and again the chats will be really little. These will be "Leena Check-ups" where the agents have a meeting and talk about what's been happening. Keep reading and stay filled with Endless Wonder!


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