Artifact: Red High Tops

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Steve Jinks has updates his status: Oh my god I love these high tops I'm so tempted to put them on!

Group Chat

Artic Nielsen has joined group chat.

Artie: Uh, Steve I really wouldn't do that if I were you. They take you back in time.

Pete Lattimer has joined group chat.

Pete: Did someone say time travel? Now I want these shoes.

Claudia Donovan has joined group chat

Claudia: They may sound cool to begin with but trust me time travel is not something humans should mess with. There's always a down side. Those shoes have a habit of wearing the feet.

Myka Bering has joined group chat.

Pete: What's that supposed to mean? That you can't take them off?

Myka: No Pete, she means they travel in time arbitrarily. And there's no way to stop it.

Claudia: So there's no way to neutralise them. Unless they take you to an old Warehouse.

Pete: Well that tanks. What places has it been known to go to?

Artie: Pompeii, Venice, Italy , England, Spain, and France.

Pete: Ok, now I've got a disturbing question. If there's no way to stop it, how did you guys get it?

Artie: after a while they begin to speed up the ageing process. It's something to do with the time vortex...anyway once it begins you grow old very quickly and then end up dying. They take you back to the place you started from, only you're a dead, rotting corpse.

Jinksy: Well...that escalated quickly.

Artie: I trust you have learned not to play with artifacts anymore?

Claudia: Yes, captain Artie!

Pete: Totally

Jinksy: Yup

Myka: I never play with artifacts anyway.

Artie: Fine. Be good, children. I have some stuff to do.

Artie Nielsen has left group chat.

Pete: So...wanna go explore?

Claudia: I'm there!

Pete Lattimer has left group chat.

Claudia Donovan has left group chat.

Myka: We should probably go make sure they don't get themselves into trouble.

Jinksy: They probably already have...

Pete Lattimer joined group chat.

Pete: Hey, Myka...we need your help...


Jinksy: You activated an artifact didn't you?

Pete: Umm no...

Jinksy: Dude, I can tell you're lying.

Pete: No way, you can't even see me!

Claudia Donovan has joined group chat.


Pete: She kinda got stuck in Harry Houdini's Straight Jacket.

Myka: How are you doing that then?

Claudia: I'm freaking talented ok now come help me!

Myka: Ok ok we're coming.

Jinksy: We're coming Claudia!

Steve Jinks has left group chat.

Myka Bering has left group chat.

Claudia Donovan has left group chat.

Pete Lattimer has left group chat.

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