Chapter 10: Coincidences and Trust

Start from the beginning

Feeling Lauren's touch, Camila kisses at her collarbone, Lauren's weak spot, and sucks. Leaving a mark as Lauren moans at the sensation. Her hand is now moving higher, grazing Lauren's breasts, and Camila almost loses herself and her original plan at the sight of Lauren's hardened nipples through the fabric.

And then, Lauren's nails dig into Camila's thighs a little too harshly; and the older woman hisses at the feeling. She grabs Lauren's wandering hands, pinning them above her head. And at hearing her girlfriend moan softly, Camila intertwines their fingers against the silk sheets, grinding down softly into Lauren. Biting her lip when Lauren keens with a wanting whine, her hips bucking to meet Camila's.

She can't help but kiss those perfect lips, soft and pink and-

Camila bites gently down onto Lauren's bottom lip, whispering against her mouth as the girl beneath her squeezes tighter to the hands in hers.

"Be a good girl baby,"

And with that, Camila kisses her deeply, running her tongue over Lauren's lip and supressing her smile when Lauren moans, deep and raspy and wanting.

Then she pulls back, kisses her girlfriend on the nose, and gets up. Lauren blinks with her mouth open and breast heaving, watching as Camila innocently starts to undress for the shower.

"Next time don't ignore me babygirl. Can I borrow your shampoo you left here two days ago?"

Lauren sits up, frowning and opened mouth as her chest labours. Her wet thighs pressed together because woah can Camila get her worked up.

"Camz! You can' just-you can't just-"

Camila tilts her head, supressing her grin at Lauren's aggravated tone. "What Lo? You okay? Need a cold shower? You can join me princess"

Lauren flops onto her back, groaning as Camila finally laughs and slips out of her sleep shorts. Leaving her in her underwear. "That's so unfair. You can't turn all – you know. And then leave me like that"

Camila smiles, laughter dying off as she sits next to Lauren, booping her on the nose making the other girl scrunch it up adorably. "Well, turns out I can baby. Offer still stands for the shower though"

Lauren doesn't answer, just glares, so Camila chuckles and makes her way to the bathroom.

And it's when she's about to close the door, turning the light and overhead fan on, does her girlfriend's voice ring out.

"Guess I'm gonna have to take care of myself then!"

(Camila turned around and ran back into their bedroom so fast she nearly slipped on the bathroom tiles)

Lauren wasn't cheekily smiling anymore when Camila simply straddled her again, cupped her wet panties with teasing fingers, and tutted. "Ah ah baby. Mine"

Safe to say she got to work 5 minutes late, and Lauren can still hear Camila's low possessive growl clouding her mind, taking over her senses, making her rock harder and faster as stars exploded behind her eyelids.


Even though the day started perfectly, work was so terrible Camila felt as if the day drained everything good from her mind.

First, she lost a case, the first time in her entire career. The blow was enough for Camila to snap at her secretary when a specific set of files wasn't on her desk when she asked for it. Then she felt horrible, because the new intern she yelled at was so sweet and apologetic that they weren't there, and that she'd take the blame. Camila watched guiltily as her secretary looked down and swallowed, obviously holding back tears as she simply muttered "Sorry" and walked out of her office.

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