Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

As the time goes by, Mauritia and Callisto are falling for each other without them noticing it.  The foreign feelings were winning. And it can't be stopped.

They were sitting at the shore, silently listening to the waves, as they watched the beautiful sunset together. Mauritia rested her head at Callisto's shoulder, as the merman reached her hand.

"What were you thinking?" He whispered.

"Nothing." She sighed. Callisto seems unsatisfied with the Queen's answer.

"Tell me," he begged. He slipped his fingers into Tia's palm, intertwining their hands.

"How long will you stay?" Mauritia whispered enough for Callisto to hear. He lifted their hands, and kissed the back of her hand.


"How? You're a merman, you can't stay long enough in the land. This is not your home, you'll need the water."

"I'm already home... with you."

But their love was forbidden, a curse.


They're gone for fishing, again. They are in the middle of the ocean, and they all thought that everything will be fine.

But not when the sky gets dark, and the stormy clouds roll in. The rain begins to pour violently, crashing everything. The winds became stronger as if it can blow the ship alone. The waves got bigger, grew so large that the ship was dwarfed.

Déjà vu.

"It's happening, again."


The Merman's

"Grab my hand!" I cried, trying to reach her hand. A single tear slid down from my eyes and fear crept my mind.

No. I can't. I can't afford to lose her. Not now. Not ever.

"Cal..." Finally reaching her hand, I tried lifting her up.

"Hold tight. Don't let go! I got you!" The wind's strong and every pour of the rain pierced down my skin. The ship started tilting, and the deck's slippery.

"You have to let me go! We'll both die!"

"No! No one's going to die! No one! Hold on tight Tia!" With all my strength, I tried to pull her up, but it wasn't enough.

"I'm sorry," she cried. "I love you."

"No! No! Tia! No!" She loosen her grip but I held her hand tighter.

I saw tears from her eyes as she was forcing me to let go of her.

"No! Tia! No!"

I saw her fall on to the ocean and without hesitation, I jumped right after. The moment I fell and sunk down the water, I tried transforming myself back at my real appearance but it's not working.

It left me with no choice and swam towards her with my legs, weaker than a tail.

I remembered all the memories we've made together. Since the first day I saw her, she's still a baby, at the shipwreck, where I was the one who saved her. I've always watched her as she grows up to a beautiful lady she is right now.

I can vividly remembered how she loves to play at the shore, and there I was, hiding, admiring her beauty and  heart from afar.

I then saved her again. I was following her that day, and when she was at the ship, I know she saw me. I felt shy. I don't have the courage to show myself to her.

What if she doesn't like me? What if she'll call me a monster? She will never accept me but I was wrong.

And that moment when she fell from the ship to the water, I instantly come to rescued her and brought her for the meantime to my home for remedy.

While she was sleeping, I can't believe she's right beside me, that she's this very close to me. I can't help but stare and be amazed how beautiful she was.

She's blinking, she's waking up, I quickly hide myself at the dark, my heart's pounding. I don't know what to do.

I felt extremely happy when she recognized me. That's when I decided to show myself to her. There's a hint of fear, but it was easily replaced by amusement that's how I see through her soulful eyes.

I don't want this moment to end but I have to. She really wants to go home, she needs to go back. So, I made her slipped into the rock and fell.

She panicked and started drowning so, I held her soft hand. At first she's resisting, running out of air. I hesitantly but carefully cupped and caressed her cheeks that made her calmed down. I need to erase her memories so that she can returned to her home, and by erasing it, I have to kiss her. So I did, with a pounding heart.

I can't help but smile while remembering it. I can still feel her lips to mine. It was so soft, delicate, sweet, and I don't want to forget.

I finally decided to go to the land, trade my tails to legs. It wasn't permanent but at least I could finally see her again.

The spell didn't work on her, she remembered me the moment she caught me watching her at the shore. She gave me a name and I like it, no, I love it. She accepted me again despite of me being different, a monster they say.

She was the only one who believe in me, made me feel loved, happy and accepted the way I never imagined it to be. I love her, I really do. And I can't afford to lose her now. This is not how it should ends.

I looked for her beneath the ocean, and found her drowning, and lifeless, here in this place, in my home.

And I'm running out of air just like a mere human, but I have to be strong for her, for me, for us. I need to fight. I promised...

I held her hand, grab her waist, trying to pull us up away from here but the current of the water was too strong pulling us down.

I tried, I tried, and I got helplessly tired. I can't breathe and I can't do anything about it.

She needs to live. Please let her live. Please, let her.

With my remaining strength, I kissed her lips and embraced her tight that I don't want to let her go.

Tia, I love you. I'm sorry... we have to end this way. I can't even protect you enough. I can't even save you from this. I'm sorry. I don't want to let go. I love you Tia... I love you, my Queen.

Please let her live even if  I have to die for her. Let her live and take me instead.


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