Act 1: Coming Together

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The Story so Far...

     In the beginning, there were three known realms. The first is the realm of darkness, known as the Crevasse. It is here where it is said evil and darkness are bred. Demons and monsters known as Abyssal Spawn are born here, and here is where they live. The realm thrives on a form of magic called Abyssal Energy. Not much is known about this energy other than it comes in multiple forms. The Crevasse serves as a border between the other two realms, and is capable of cleaving through distance, the realms, and possibly time. The Crevasse serves as a prison to the monstrosities that live here: demons and creatures that resulted from their meddling in dark magic. Needless to say, the demons do not like this realm and wish to make the realm of man their own. A problem to both demons and mankind is the fact that the entrance to their realm was and remains completely sealed.

     The second realm is the universe in which mankind lives upon. Dragons were given to mankind when they first appeared. They were a gift that was meant to guide and protect them as they rose to meet their potential. More than that, they were meant to be mankind's greatest of friends, capable of bonding souls, not just on the surface. Both man and dragon were intelligent species, though dragons were much more powerful and of course feral in physical appearance. Men eventually stood on two legs, and were the most creative and social of all the species of the world. They made the perfect complement to the power and might of dragons. Dragons live much longer than humans, giving them a greater potential in wisdom from experience. But, dragons possessed many physical attributes that mankind eventually found valuable, and so began the war that split apart this great alliance.

     The third realm is a realm called Empyrean. This is the place that is home to the Angels. Demons were originally angels, ones who fell and were eventually cast into the realm known as the abyss. Angels have the greatest understanding of the universe and as such have taken it upon themselves to observe the world and make sure that everything that happens is happening as it should be, without celestial interference. An angel will fall when these rules are broken. Fallen angels suffer from wing loss, their powers degraded or altered, and their

     Aura and bodies darken. When this affliction accepts abyssal energy, the result is a transformation into a demon. While demons were thought of as one such interference in their war with the humans and dragons, after the fact they were deemed as humanities problem. Angels then separated themselves completely from the realm of man, keeping to themselves and leaving only one behind to guard the entrance to their world.

     With so much conflict on the rise, it would take brave and unbreakable souls to rise up to the challenge and end the conflict. One day, the lesson will be learned that there is no black and white... just one large gray area in between.


Coming January 6, 2018!!!

I wanted to wait until after the holidays.  At this point, I have already finished the first Act and am working on Act 2!  There will be three acts, and the second one will most likely be the longest.  Expect chapters averaging around 3000 words.  When I say average, I mean this is the range most of the chapters fall within.  I have a couple chapters that are a bit shorter, as well as chapters that are much longer!  Regardless, since I am so far ahead, there should be nothing keeping me from my posting schedule, so once a week no matter the chapter length!  Author's notes will be at the bottom of each chapter, and I will also respond to any and all comments and questions.  Thank you for giving my story a chance, I am doing my best to keep it both enjoyable for YOU, the readers, and for myself.  Thanks again!

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