7. So much sense

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Loki got back around six and started looking everywhere for his mate, but he couldn't find her. 

Not thinking much of it he took a shower, not wanting to become reacquainted with his Rose while other Alpha's blood dirtied his scent. Out of the shower clothed only in a towel Loki sat confused. All of his clothes were gone, and not just the ones he left on the bed, ALL of them. It could have been a prank by Tony but why would a dam want his pup's mate walking around with no clothes on? Maybe it was Rose herself that played the prank, wanting him undressed for her, But that wasn't her style. She preferred more refined forms of trickery. But it didn't rule her out completely, He would simply have to ask.

but how she didn't seem to be here at all. even the bed was unslept in, it didn't even smell like Rose. could she have been kidnapped Loki wondered? but dismissed the thought Tony would find out if anyone had broken in. His machine the JARVIS would alert him. 

Loki sat perplexed until he heard a whimper from the closet. Was she in the closet? but why?

he dropped all thought when he saw her, beautiful hair splayed out around her, curled into a ball in the middle of a nest made almost entirely of his clothes and scent. her hands were resting lightly on her stomach and he could see a small bump, her stomach was defiantly larger than the last time he saw her.

Loki turned and shut the door, and then he panicked, 'I fucked up. I fucked up, she's pregnant I got her pregnant, her sires are going to kill me. I cant be a father, a sire, she is pregnant. she's nesting, with my scent.' 

Based purely on the fact that she is showing the conception must have happened during the time they shared heat, they had coupled a few times more recently but she wouldn't be showing already. That means she got pregnant the very first time she had a full heat with anyone, he felt proud of himself and in awe of her. He can see her now, naked swollen with their pup, curled up in her nest surrounded by his scent. His mouth was absolutely watering. 

he opened back up the closet door releasing his Alpha pheromones. The change in her sleeping was instantaneous, she melted and shivered before waking to release Omega Pheromones that could one be described as 'ready'. "Omega" he spoke Alpha voice doing things to her. "Alpha" her voice cracked but so completely perfect. 

She rolled over lying flat on the back knees slightly bent to allow her mate to enter her nest. He did so with haste, greedily sucking her neck running his smooth fingers all over her body. She tasted perfect before and now she tasted even sweeter, an edge of tart making him want to go back for more. If She was moaning before he reaffirmed the mating Bite, she was absolutely trembling after. He kept his hands on her hips choosing instead to use his tongue. he went over the mark a few times making her gasp before he moved to sweep his tongue around to the back of her neck. his mouth biting sucking, with a wonderful cool that brought shivers to her body gradually moved lower and lower he bit her again under the breast and a final time on her hip before he stopped altogether. He splayed his cool fingers across her belly, and she looked up. Complete love and adoration was in his eyes. He captured her lips softly and then deepened the kiss into a more demanding sport. they stopped for breath shortly after, Loki spoke. "I Left for no more than a week and I come back to find you nested already showing our pup." she looked at him a look of realization crossing her face, "I'm Pregnant?... that makes so much sense". Loki laughed it started as a chuckle and grew to a full-throated bellow, "you really didn't know?... did you just wake up one day and decide to start nesting for pups, not thinking anything about it?". She attacked his neck biting deeply again laying on him and licking it sensually every few moments. she leaned close tongue sweeping over his ear and whispering "Yep, I'm just a go with the flow kinda girl.... A go with the flow kinda woman,..... a go with the flow kinda pregnant woman!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2018 ⏰

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